Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Oh the possibilities...

I literally made a "possibilities" list yesterday.  The sun came out (shocker), and the rain was only 10%.  I had no idea what to tackle first.  Garden?  Herb garden?  Garlic? Wash rugs?  Clean off the porch?  Fix the vacuum?  Harvest chickweed, plantain and clevers?  Start another jar of Four Thieves Vinegar?  Take a lawn chair out into the sunshine and read a book?  Oh, so many possibilities.

I just wrote out a list and went with the flow, starting with anything that could be washed and dried outside (taking a chance).

First off the list - leaning tower of dishes.  Put them away only to get most back out again.  Oh look!  Rotten bananas!

Second off the list - rugs washed and on the line.  I could not believe the sun was out and the rain went away for a day.

Next?  I had all good intentions to get the bathroom scrubbed, tidied, swept and mopped. After checking the garlic and asparagus I noticed the rhubarb needed tops trimmed.    First thing I typically make is Rhubarb BBQ sauce, but not yesterday.

Then I brought this in, and made this . . .

Rhubarb crunch. I'll be posting the recipe soon.  Asparagus was saved for another meal.

I weeded the herb garden, and brought this in....

... and made this.

Chickweed pesto.  I need to make chickweed tincture, and dry a ton of it for tea and oil infusions.

So this happened.  Again.  At least the herb garden has been weeded.  Again.  Tomorrow we have a 20% chance of rain, so I am praying the garden dries up.

Hubby is now working 10 hour days for 6 days straight, so it's odd for me to adjust.  Even so, he wanted a short motorcycle ride, which didn't happen.  I knew he'd be too tired, and he was, but the intention was good.

A friend sent me tomato seeds, but it's too late to start the for this year.  I will save them for next season.

All of the chickens are finally getting along.  I just can't let the younger ones out in the run just yet.  Too many hawk and eagle sightings to take a chance. 


  1. I cleaned one part of the yard yesterday and I am happy to say that it looks as though today I may get to finish some more of it. I plan to work in the camper some today too as we might get to go this weekend!

  2. HI Kristina - you are seriously busy as usual! I got behind on my blog reading again, so catching up today. Can't wait for asparagus! Mine is up a couple of inches. Your food looks great as always! Have a great day!

  3. Your routine makes me tired, once upon a time though I could have maybe done it...Your dish fairy and mine know each other...your rugs are pretty, We like rhubarb here, and I'll be looking for it for pie, looking forward to your crunch recipe..hope today is another sunshiny day for you...I woke up to sun to...going to plant in the containers today....

  4. Carol, that's great. I sure felt great to get some outdoor work done.

  5. Debby, thank you. I put a comment on your blog regarding the soap you make. Have a great day!

  6. Thanks Faith, I was rather tired by 6pm last night. I had to get back on the weeding with a good day and no rain. I need to purchase some bags of potting soil to get my pots started this year. My spearmint and peppermint died over winter.

  7. Good choices for your sunny day! I would have been out in the yard and garden all day, cleaning can wait! ;) The pest looks great!

  8. Hubby asked me the other day if our rhubarb was ready yet. Nope, not yet, but it won't be long before our first "Step Away from the Rhubarb Cake" comes out of the oven! Asparagus is about 3-4" tall, but not many spears showing yet. The sunshine today may help though. That is the sunshine before more rain tonight and tomorrow. We grump about not being able to do our outside things because of the rain and then when we can work outside, all those pesky inside tasks keep calling our name! Big adjustment for us all transitioning into the summer mode, isn't it?

  9. Rain, I had to get out there since we had so many rain days, and more coming. It sure felt good too.

  10. Mama Pea you are so right about coming back in and thinking, "man I have a lot to get done in here too" ugh. Strawberry-rhubarb pie sounds good too.

  11. You put me to shame with all that you get done in a day. I am still working very slowly on replacing the roof on an outbuilding.

  12. mamasmercantile, we have gobs of jobs that need done this year. The rain is holding us back on planting the garden, so I'm tackling everything else I can while Hubby works.


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