Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Teabag Tidbits

The weather has been gorgeous here lately.  I have the windows open, and we enjoying the fresh air.

I picked this up at a "kitchen" store at the flea market last weekend.  I was reluctant to buy it, as it didn't look like it would hold a full bag of dark brown sugar.  It did, and I love the way the disc is in the lid and I don't have to fight to get the brown sugar when I scoop it out.  I'll be buying another on the next trip.  

I have a "funny" to share.  If you've read my posts in the years ago about how my husband drives in the mountains, you'll laugh.  He drove.  We took the truck last weekend.  Amish country roads are hilly, curvy etc.  He went over some railroad tracks too quickly and I swear my head hit the roof.  Of course we all laughed, and I told him the name of the truck (when he's driving) is "Red Lightning."  I attempted to knit prior to that, but quickly put it away after dropping stitches and just about stabbed myself.  

Got another batch of homemade granola bars made.  We go through these so quickly anymore.

I prepped blueberries and wine.  If the kids and Hubby behave, they may just get their blueberry pie this week.

It was a good laundry day, so my morning was pretty busy putting laundry on the line.  No sign of the coyote, but I was prepared this time.  I just didn't free range the hens.  


  1. That sugar container is great! I still use the ceramic gingerbread man, buried in the sugar. It IS a pain! We have coyotes, too, and they are my worst nightmare - especially with a small dog. I keep the dogs in the chicken yard first thing in the morning, just as a precaution.

  2. Susan, Jesse isn't really small, but he's not real big either. That coyote was twice his size. What a scare at 5:30am. I love my sugar container. If I get another trip back, I'm buying another one for the light brown sugar.


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