Monday, April 8, 2019

Happy Homemaker Monday ~ Coyote Season

I'm joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom today.  Although I posted late last night (go back a post to read about our weekend).  We took Youngest and she had a blast.

Nothing like a coyote to wake you up in the early morning.  I took Jesse out to do his business in my PJ's.  He had his light on  (Hubby wasn't up for work just yet) and I was looking directly at him, and it came out from behind the wood barn.  Jesse tried to go after it, I reached for my gun, but realized I was in PJ's, so I screamed and ran off the porch, which prompted two girls to come screaming.  It acted like it wanted to come back, but ran off thankfully.  However, where there is one, there are more.  Now, while my heart palpitated, I realized it's going to be a rough spring.  I'll not go outside without protection (including in my PJ's) and I'll be going to the barn to check the chicken barn to make sure they are okay too.  Ugh.  What a morning.  

On the breakfast plate. . . 
Scramble.  I have 1 egg in my egg basket this morning.

The weather outside is . . .
We are up to the 70's.  It rained last night though.

On my reading pile . . .
My magazine that I planned to take with me over the weekend, but forgot.

On my TV . . .
A dvd series from the library called Yellowstone

On my menu . . .
Egg/cheese/sausage sandwiches
Salmon romanoff (never got it made), beets
Possibly something with freshly made tomato sauce
....have no idea.  

On my to-do list . . .
work out
make granola bars
wash bedding and get it on the line
library returns
deliver dish scrubbies

What I am creating . . .
Knitted dishcloth.  I need to restock my netting and get scrubbies restocked asap.

Looking forward to . . .
Getting the bathroom remodel done so we can have family gatherings here again.  We haven't had time to shop for a new shower or check on flooring yet.  Always something going on.

From the camera . . .
On of the bedrooms a the historic hotel we stayed at over the weekend.

One of my simple pleasures . . .
Target practice

Praying . . .
Friends, Family, special requests.  While we were on our weekend trip, a MI motorcyclist riding a 3 wheel bike on the highway passed away.  A tire came off, throwing him into the concrete median and he died on the scene.  There were tons and motorcycles out this past weekend due to the change in weather.  The accident was in our county.


  1. Sounds like a fun trip! Sorry the hotel didn't quite measure up to par this time. Scary about the coyote. I for some reason thought they were lone animals? Hope you have a wonderful week ahead!

  2. Ugg. what a terrible accident - gave me goosebumps just reading about it. And we think a 3-wheeler is safer than a 2 wheeler.
    Coyotes! wow we don't have those around here - stay safe.
    Have a great week

  3. Oh my goodness...what a scare so early in the morning! That would freak me out! That hotel room is so cool!! Have a great Monday!!

  4. Jean, coyotes typically travel in packs through the woods along the river behind our property. It was 5-6 feet from our dog and very scary for sure. Pitch dark too.

  5. Thanks Jodi, it was a wake up for me to be always prepared for a wild animal.

  6. Talk about a close encounter with the coyote! That's pretty unusual and I'm glad things turned out okay for you and your dog. Were the chickens okay? Love the historic hotel room photo and am sorry to hear about the one that lost his life in the accident. Am praying over his family. Enjoy the spring weather and blessings for a great week ahead! <3

  7. Rebecca, thanks. The chickens are all okay thankfully.

  8. I love that old bed with the neatly laid quilt, so lovely! We don't have coyotes in New Zealand, thankfully!

  9. Sarah, we have fox and raccoons and deer, but the deer haven't been an issue for us lately.

  10. Sorry to hear it's going to be a rough coyote season. We don't have them here like we did before and I do NOT miss their sound, but we have foxes here that are always getting into the neighbor's hen house. Glad you and the chickens are safe - what a way to start the week. Hope the rest of the week is much better.

  11. Thanks threesidsofcrazy. We get fox here too. One year one chased my chickens all the way to the door and I went after it. Some of my hens hid in the tall weeds and wouldn't even come out for me, until much later after the fox was gone.


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