Sunday, April 21, 2019

Snafu ~ Tennessee Spring Break Trip

Our spring break trip to TN had a hickup, snafu.....unexpected event.  Youngest daughter woke us up at 5am Sunday.  She was pretty sick.  Best guess was food poisoning, but she wasn't going anywhere any time soon. I quickly made a batch of homemade ginger-ale to start with, and go from there.  She rested most of the day Sunday, but still pretty sick.  We canceled our  trip reservations and waited to see if she'd be better by Monday (and try and re-book another lodging choice.

We rebooked for leaving Tuesday, and she still wasn't feeling her true self.  I expected we'd cancel when Hubby woke up early Tuesday morning (3am) sick.  I thought for sure we'd cancel the entire trip.  He got up, sucked down homemade ginger-ale and made the drive Tues. morning.

I'll admit it was a rough 9 hour drive (with many stops).  Both Hubby and Daughter had upset stomachs.  We made it, and crashed for the night. 

The next day, they both were ready to go, but couldn't eat much.

First stop was the Aquarium in Gatlinburg.  Famous for the shark tunnel you walk through.  It's pretty big and fun to see.

Glass bottom boat rid over the sharks!  Of course another $10.00 per person on top of the admission price, so we let Daughter go on it, which was on her "bucket list."  She had a blast.   

What next?

Anakeeta.  See that lift up the mountain?  There are all sorts of shops, walks, a ride and the best views of the mountains.  

 They made me ride up in this!!  I do not do heights well, and my one hand was numb from squeezing the back of the chair all the way up.  And....and...they stopped it twice before we got all the way up.  Ugh.

I made them ride the enclosed cabin down with me, ha ha!

Another place on Daughter's "bucket list" was rolled iced cream.  Not as good as homemade, and very expensive.

We took a break and went to the hotel to soak in the pool and hot tub, and had prepared for a 6pm dinner show, but found out after checking our records, they moved us to the 8:30pm show.  Grr.  We didn't enjoy it.  First we don't eat dinner that late, the chicken wasn't served until 9am, and Hubby and Daughter were still not feeling all that great.  We left early.  Daughter was upset with the use of the animals.  You couldn't take videos, but could take photos.  It was dark so all my horse photos were blury.  They did trick riding, for example one female had each foot, on two horses, and was standing, riding it around and through fire.  When they ran out buffalo and then long horn cattle, I was a bit sad too.  I know they are all trained for the show, but I was a bit sickened by the use of the animals day in and day out, over and over.  We'll not ever go to this again if we do return.  Food was terrible.

Next day was Dollywood.  Daughter rode most of the rides.  It was in the low 80's and beautiful.  She spent the evening in the outdoor pool.  This place is huge and full of entertainment and activities and shopping.  

Next stop was the Alcatraz crime museum.  We actually enjoyed this.  Fun and very interesting.

Next stop was a dinner show with MoTown.  We had a very nice time here, and bought the DVD of the show, and had it autographed.  Daughter had a blast!

The drive home went more quickly than driving down.  Everyone was feeling grand and full-filled.  Daughter had the best time ever.  There was a lot we didn't do, so we are contemplating another trip down in the future.  Although expensive.  It is very commercialized in Pigeon Forge and Gatlinburg.

We visited 3 Harley Davidson stores too.  Daughter bought a few tops too.  

The one thing we all missed?  My home cooking.  We are so looking forward to a home cooked meal now.  

We have a day of rest today, but Hubby is already up and trying to plan a get together with all the kids and maybe a motorcycle ride.

Happy Easter!


  1. Looks like a nice trip! I would love the aquarium - maybe not the stampede. Totally with you on lift thing up the mountain - no way I would do that!


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