Sunday, April 14, 2019

Random Tidbits

Not much going on here lately, other than indoor work thanks to Mother Nature and the cold weather.  Egads, this is a picture-less post.  I've had to refill some homemade goods lately like our foamy soap and vanilla extract.  It's been so cold, I had to wear my carhartt out on Wed.  The wind was wicked.

I took a day for me!  Got a real hair cut, joined one kiddo for a lunch, picked up seed potatoes, made a library return and other fun stuff.  By the way Youngest is being trained now to color hair.  She is allowed to take manicure appointments during school hours too.  Too bad I don't have long nails right now, or I'd go just for her to get the experience.  Garden work started, so my nails are cut short.  I may just have to go in a few weeks anyway.  

I have been spending most of my mornings cooking and baking for the day and week, and find myself getting dishes out that I had just washed and dried and put away.  Including measuring cups and spoons.  Sigh...the wrath of rotation.  At least we are eating good.  By the way, the blueberry pie I made recently only has 1 cup of powdered sugar and a small amount of brown.  It's a King Arthur flour recipe ("pie with a twist").

We finished our Yellowstone series from the library.  Not sure what we'll look into next.  

I've received word of another free vendor event in May. I'm not doing it.  I am too busy now with the warmer weather, and can't waste any good day not working in the garden(s).

There is a delay on the bathroom remodel.  I'm okay with that.  However, it delays any family get togethers here.  I'm okay with that too though.  Just lots of work to do here anyway.

The chicks know my call now.  They are so excited to see me bring them treats.  Right now we see one definite rooster, but unsure of the rest at this point.

Hubby and I took a random road trip.  Cornhole boards have been ordered and we got to see new places.  We literally got home and went out dancing.  I'm a bit tired today, but laundry is on the to-do list.  It's pouring down rain today.


  1. Nothing wrong with a little pie and hot coffee. We are on the weather roller coaster here as well, yesterday 70, today 50 and rain. Some of the bulbs I planted last year are up, and I'm so looking forward to seeing the Virginia Blue Bell come pretty. Bread baking ( sourdough) overnight going in the oven soon.

  2. Faith my daffodils are blooming, but I would like to plant more tulips. I guess it'll depend on the weather.

  3. Weather, wind, and rain! Really makes a difference in how the day is spent. Just that time of year.

  4. You are right Leigh, it's not only raining, but much colder here now. Hmpf.


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