Sunday, March 24, 2019

Exhausted Husband

Our weekend started out with a very exhausted husband.  Thursday he worked 1st shift, leaving at 6:20am and returning 4:20pm-ish.  We had to drive the 33 minute drive to the school for the talent show, and then home, where he barely got a nap.  He returned to work (forced overtime) for the night shift, followed back to back with the day shift on Friday.  Yeah, I didn't expect much to get done over the weekend.

We returned to cold weather on Friday.  It rained and snowed - windy, cloudy and a low of 22°F.  Brrr.  I think we've learned that in our state, you won't know the weather until you wake and and check it.  It changes that often anymore.

Saturday we had a high of 48° and sunny.  Hubby announced he was also working Sunday.

Today it will be a high of 54° but Hubby also announced we were hosting a dinner when he got home.  Hmpf.  


  1. Forced over time is NO fun. I bet he is so tired, I would be without the OT.

  2. Good golly, you would think your husband would want to fall into bed face first when he gets home today after the crazy shifts he's been working rather than having company for dinner. Methinks you may have to hit him upside the head to knock a bit of sense into the old noggin! Or you could become a bossy wife (we all have to do it once in a while!) and tell him he's gonna compromise his health (and ability to bring home the bacon) if he doesn't take better care of himself. Your busy season is fast approaching and he needs to be strong both for the homesteady type work AND those nice motorcycle rides!

  3. Pam, he is a very tired man, and yet he has arranged a dinner with guests after work. I have a house to clean in the middle of a bathroom remodel today.

  4. Oh Mama Pea, we are so over due for a motorcycle ride. He wanted to squeeze a short one in before guests arrive tonight, but the weather won't even get up to 50 today. I'm sort of glad though. He is too tired to be riding. I have a healthy frittata baked for his morning breakfast, and he'll have some healthy leftovers for his lunch. Forced OT is when he's "next on the list" and cannot say now. Sadly. I just have to make sure he gets sleep. He came home Friday and literally fell asleep without eating dinner. Of course I fed him when he woke up from his long nap.

  5. I think if it were me, and I was forced into so much overtime, I wouldn't have the energy to host a dinner! I'm guessing you don't either lol...well, let's face it, if it were me, I wouldn't be hosting ANY dinners lol...I'm just too anti-social for that! I agree with your weather matter what it says in the forecast, you have to see each day how things go. I've been getting pretty good at watching the skies and keeping an eye on the barometric pressure.

  6. You are right Rain, I am in no mood to host here today.

  7. Sorry to read about the forced OT and the awful weather. Hosting guests on top can't be ideal but we all need some time to wind down.


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