Sunday, February 24, 2019

Sunday Chit Chat ~ Bring a beverage

We thankfully still have green beans in the freezer, and more canned corn relish.  By the way, mixing the relish with green beans is pretty good too, as well as topping fish.

I am completely out of home canned tomato paste though.  I opened the last jar to make a large crock pot of chili on Friday.

Our high winds were said to be the worst from 4am to 10am this morning.  I had water bottles filled, jugs filled for flushing toilets, candles and lamps ready, and a portable phone charger ready.

Hubby earned this charger free at work with a program, and I had it ready just in case the winds blew down power lines.  Something handy to have during a storm.   You could also use a car charger, but for some reason my phone won't charge on the one we currently have (Hubby's phone will though).

Saturday morning, I was up at 5am (naturally like a robot).  I got Hubby's breakfast and lunch packed up and coffee in this Thermos while he dressed to go to work for a day of overtime.  

The weather is really dragging me down.  I went from feeling like a hermit to a prisoner (truck and car are still un-repaired).  I make plans to run errands, and get excited I get to leave the house, when I'm hit with "honey I have to work."  I decided to get over my pitty party and get busy.

Before - Baking utensils drawer.  This is what happens when kids are washing the dishes.  Nothing goes back the way I organized it. 

After.  Hopefully with only one kids living here now, it'll stay this way.

It took my mind off things and I accomplished in clearing chaos from my day.  I also sold a pair of baby booties.  Woohoo!  But.  I'll have to make more.  An opening became available for a March craft vendor show.


  1. Ready your lovely posts..up and down..
    Like a barmaids apron..!!! :).
    I've been meaning to ask...Are you a Virgo..
    The star sign l mean..HeHe! Let's not get carried
    away here..! :o).

    It's just that l am and a very typical Virgo at that!
    I've never adapted it as a way of life, my personality.. just typical of a Virgo..And..ready your daily
    routines with family and friends, l thought you may be!

    Hope that bottom draw is ALL tidied up by now..!
    Could'nt live with a draw in such a mess! HeHe!
    Virgo see...! :).

  2. We have high winds living on an Island so have to keep prepared for a storm, certainly keeps us on our toes.

  3. Lol, no Willie, I am not a Virgo. Yep. Drawer is tidy now.

  4. mamasmercantile, it's pretty bad here. I'm prepared. If power goes out, we have PB and J, fruit and water.


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