Monday, February 25, 2019

Happy Homemaker Monday

I'm joining Sandra over at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom today.  I will link up after she posts.  It's 6:41am, and I have to get my day started. 

The wind advisory was extended until 1am Monday morning.  Canning didn't happen on Sunday as planned.  I didn't want to take the chance at the power going out in the middle of canning, after they predicted "widespread" power outages.  We had power, but our internet went out often, same with TV, and even mobile data went out.  By bed time, all was back on thankfully.

Two daughters came out for a visit, and raided the fridge.  Hubby worked all weekend, and 16 hours on Sunday.  He was a tired man this morning, so I made sure his breakfast and lunch was packed, including a tall mug of coffee.

On the breakfast plate. . .

Strawberry pancakes with candied ginger, and sausage.  No scrambled eggs due to a shortage (again). I'm lucky to get one a day right now.

The weather outside is . . .
Sunday the weather started out in the low high 40's and gradually plummeted again.  Winds were so bad yesterday, semi's were not permitted to use the state turnpike.  Our son drives a semi for a living. By 10am yesterday, winds in our area were 35mph. It's a chilly 19°F with a windchill of 4° this morning.  Thankfully, the wind has stopped.  What a long day it was yesterday.

Right now I am . . .
Listening to Jesse, whining, trying to trick me to feeding him twice or take him out twice.  Naughty dog.

Thinking . . .
I'm having a "Mommy" moment after hearing that one of my daughter's plans to move away with her boyfriend when he graduates college. First, I don't know when he will, and second, this is our 19 year-old.  Oh, a crying moment for me, but it is only about 2 hours away.  Then again, we are talking about moving out of the state in the future (we want to get away from these sprayed crops).  I'm also proud of our 25 year-old daughter.  She sent me a video of her setting up in her new apt.  She's in need of a kitchen table and some other furniture, but she's set up pretty nicely. 

Looking around the house . . .
Sighing...everything from under the kitchen sink is on the kitchen floor.  A plastic pipe broke (just regular wear and tear), but I think I can rig it to get many dirty dishes washed.  I'm in no way asking Hubby to fix it tonight.  He is very, very tired.

On the to-do list . . .
Fix a busted pipe under the sink
sweep and mop
make lip balm (still on the list)
ship a package
dinner prep

On the menu . . .
Salmon Romanoff (made with MI salmon), carrots
Meatloaf, mashed potatoes and corn
Homemade pizza with home canned pizza sauce
Zucchini Linguine with Walnuts
Soup beans and corn bread

Snacks:  strawberry/blueberry muffins, peanut butter (Einkorn) cookies, home grown popcorn and possibly hummus.

On the TV. . .
Netflix - When Calls the Heart (I have read the entire series years ago, and Hubby loves watching this)

Reading. . .
I'm considering a magazine subscription.  I haven't done this in a long time due to watching them pile up, but it looks interesting enough that I just may subscribe.

What I am creating . . .
I'm making a bit of progress on the baby blanket.  I finished the last two soap saver bags, and have many other projects in progress.  As it gets larger, the rounds take much more time to do.

From the camera. . .
Getting the stare down when it's just a few minutes before dinner time, ha ha!  Like he is saying, "Well lady?  Get some food in my bowl will ya!"  He's got an internal clock.

Praying . . .
Us, the kids, no special requests at this time.


  1. I think I would like to watch that tv series of when calls the heart. My daughter has moved 2 hours away from us, it was tough at first but it is better now.. of course when she gets children I will find it hard again.
    Your menu sounds delicious and the muffins and cookies are making me hungry. Hope the busted pipe gets repaired quickly.
    Have a great week

  2. A good post. You've got me wondering how many children you have. Three girls? One son? :) Those high winds have reached us today. It is almost dangerous to be outside even though the sun is shining and the rain has stopped. Thank goodness!! That breakfast looks delicious.

  3. Sounds like your getting a lot of the wild weather that missed us for a change. Glad your power stayed on through it so far. What magazine are you thinking of subscribing to this time? I know what you mean about them piling up but then, I do love my magazines. Hope you have a wonderful week!

  4. Your breakfast looks so yummy! Hope the weather behaves now. Sorry for those weepy Mom moments. Getting ready for my 18 year old to graduate this Spring and move away too. So hard. Lots of praying. ;)

    The baby blanket looks great! And I love the poochie pic too. Blessings on your week ahead. xo

  5. We had that same wind... it was horrible.. thankfully we didn't lose power! Mmm peanut butter cookies, I haven't made those in a while.. may have to this week! That baby blanket is gorgeous!!! Have a great week!

  6. Hi Kristina oh wow your cooking looks so good,i feel like making some muffins now,lol.Love your crochet blanket,the colours are so pretty. Sounds like you have a busy week my friend xx

  7. Kristina,, I don't know about you,,, but,, I sure will be glad when Winter is past and Spring warms our homes and hearts... Stay warm and enjoy your crocheting and crafting.

  8. Jean, I hope to post about the magazine soon.

  9. Thanks Carrie, I hope to create another color combo blanket after this one is finished.

  10. Katmom, I am so ready to have this winter over.

  11. I'm running behind this week, Kristina, but here I am! Enjoyed reading your post. The strawberry pancakes sound interesting. Would you mind sharing your recipe sometime? Love the baby blanket! So pretty! I will be so glad when winter is behind us...and that's not like me at all...but I'm tired of it this year! Did you get your broken pipe fixed? Thinking of you and praying over all! Blessings, my friend! <3


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