Thursday, February 14, 2019

Busy Bee this Week

It's been a crazy week, and more to do yet.  Oye.  In the midst of it crazy weather.

I made sure there were no hanging icicles on the barn when I went out the other day.  I didn't want one falling on me, and it sounded like an avalanche with all the ice dropping to the ground.  There is flooding now everywhere and many people without power (we are talking thousands and it won't be on until Friday) due to downed lines.  Thankfully we were not one of them, although I was prepared for it.

We were bee-bopping around the kitchen getting breakfast, coffee started, animals tended, fire stoked, and Youngest went off to school.  Not long after that I got a message she was sick.  I got on the phone and finally found a daughter to pick her up for me.  I'm worried it's strep, and her speech contest is this week, so I wanted to get her checked out ASAP.  Right after I gave her tincture and teas of course.  I then wiped down the house with anti-ill oil.

I had to dig through my craft show stash, to get myself a scrubbie for the kitchen.  I do love these the best, but there is a request to make them thinner, so I'm on the hunt for a pattern.  If you know of one, I'd be delighted if you would share it or it's location.  These are super thick, but those with arthritic hands prefer a thinner one.  

I finally got contact with the business who wanted to sell my soap saver bags on consignment.  She asked for a smaller top on them, so I changed the pattern.

They now close up much tighter at the top.  I hope she likes them.  I have more to make before delivering them.

I had to laugh when our daughter was over for her birthday dinner.  She was doing college homework afterwards and it was a religion class.  She had to write a 2 page paper on meditation and her experience. 

I laughed because to earn points for our insurance program (pain in my rump), one way to earn them is to meditate 14 days of a 21 day program.  Yawn.

I literally, turn the ten minute session on, and do the dishes, ha ha!  Oh, and I helped daughter with her 2 page paper.

Union negotiations are over now, but the final draw is not clear.  The bonuses were taken away for the first time in 10 years.  Such a disappointment with this company.  However, they did vote out one thing - they wanted it mandatory for employees to come in on a call out.  Hubby is so stressed right now.

I can't wait for this busy week to be over.  I have so much to get done that I had on my to-do list, like make my lip balm, and can a few things.

I told Hubby that "Rooster's Crow Farm" is now rooster-less.  We will be looking for anyone getting rid of them this spring.  We really don't want to add more hens, so buying straight run is not on the plan.  


  1. Scrubbies and soap savers! Great ideas, both. I hope your daughter is feeling better. Strep is worrisome, but I know she's in good hands.

  2. Good to read that you didn't go without power. Hope your daughter feels better soon.

  3. Thanks Leigh, she doesn't like my four thieves vinegar, but will take tinctures and teas.

  4. Thanks mamasmercantile, they are taking days to restore the power due to so many downed poles and damaged lines. So glad our power stayed on.

  5. Hope your soap saver bags sell like crazy! There is so much illness going around, that I am loathe to leave the house. It drives me crazy when hardworking people have to bear all the cuts and downsizing, while those with the most go on getting more. Be careful what you wish for, rooster-wise!

  6. Susan, I had to laugh at the rooster part. Yeah, I hope I can find a nice one or I'm buying straight run and starting over, lol.

  7. I use the Red Heart pattern and it is flat and easy. Love your soap bags. As for meditation....don't knock it if you haven't tried and your husband have been ill and stressed and it has been proven to help lower bp and depression and many other 'stress caused' illnesses. Slow down and take a deep breath....if you died today how much of your household 'tasks' would really matter. Better to take care of yourselves so you are both around for a long while. Glad you have power!

  8. You are so busy. Congratulations on the little soap bags. Hope you sell lots of them. Hope you bad weather clears up soon. We've got 5 to 7 days of rain coming...starting tonight. :( Poppy said, don't get all down, if could be worse. He's right about that! Take care.

  9. Thanks Sam I Am, I didn't know Red Heart had a pattern. I'll take a look today.

  10. Thanks Henny Penny, we will be taking the weekend off to rest.

  11. Those soap saver bags are adorable and very useful I am sure. Do you run an Etsy shop? A farm without roosters, what a lovely thought. Ours crow so much and I am over hearing them. LOL!!

  12. Carol I have a second blog called Rooster's Crow Farm where I sell items. I haven't opened Etsy yet. I hope to have some soap saver bags up there for sale soon. Click on my blogs to see.


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