Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Bad Weather ~ Baby Bootie Story

On Tuesday, the weather was horrible.  Woke up to freezing rain pouring down on layers of ice.  The temps warmed up later by noon, but then snow moved in.  What a stinking mess and I was so worried about Hubby getting to work (has a 1 hour drive that goes north of us and into worse weather areas). 

There was so much heavy ice, the tree branches were touching the ground.  Cell service went in and out as well.  Hubby made it to work safely, but gosh it was bad.  The trash pick up was behind due to road conditions and arrived an hour later than normal.

I popped open a jar of pumpkin butter for toast and rolls.  Mmm.  Cannot wait for this garden season.

Our daughter made it out for her birthday dinner, but wind picked up late last night.  It's still windy with a windchill of 8°.

Thank you all for the kind comments regarding the baby booties.  There is a story behind them.  A very short story.

I was working full-time during the first three kids births.  My Mom was working at a near by bank, and a lovely co-worker made a pair for one of my kids.  I loved them and had them on all the time when I could.

One day I went to get baby photos done, and upon leaving the store, I had lost a bootie.  I was devastated, but this lovely woman made me another one.

I got to thinking the other day, and emailed Mom to see if she was in contact with this past co-worker.  Boom!  She was.  I asked for the pattern, and at first she couldn't find it, but alas she did.  I don't have the info on the hook size, but the turned out nice and I sent her a thank you and photo of the finished booties.  I still have the ones this lady made too.  


  1. That is a really nice pattern for baby booties. And I'm sure you always think of that kind lady whenever you make a pair.

    Sounds as though your weather couldn't have been much worse. I'll take heavy snow any day over ice!

  2. How wonderful to be using the same pattern as your first pair for your own children. My mum knits matinee jackets using the same pattern she used for me and they are stunning and well loved. (I must add that I a 60)

  3. What a nice woman and I bet she appreciated that you still loved them after all these years! I'm so sorry you're having such a rough winter. My kids in Iowa are having it bad too but so far no accidents and all are fine but there have been plenty of them...accidents that is. Glad your hubby is making it safely.

  4. Mama Pea, it's an ice rink all the way to the barn right now.

  5. Sam I Am, it has been one heck of a winter this year.


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