Sunday, January 13, 2019

Keeping Warm ~ Weekend Updates

There's nothing exciting going on at our homestead right now.  I've been puttering around with the basics - laundry, house cleaning, organizing, putting away forgotten Christmas stuff, paying bills, etc. etc.

Oh, I have a list of things that need made, but my mojo is at a bottom low.  I blame it on the cold, cold temps we have.  It sort of sucks the energy out of you like a very humid hot day would.  

Friday I spent more time on the slow side of chores. However, our 19 year-old had a complete melt down and Mom and Dad had to go to the "rescue."  First, she's already seeing how hard it is to live on her own as an adult, and they are now approaching possible new living arrangements (living with her brother), which is throwing a lot of stress at her.  On her way out, her fuel line broke, and she had the dogs with her (her two).  She called crying and wanting her Mom and Dad. She has just put her last $25 into a tank of gas and that was the kicker for her melt down.  Of course we told her we'd refill it for her, after it was repaired.

She borrowed a car and made it out.  I listened.  I fed her good food (she lives way to close to fast food in town), gave her the "it's gonna be okay" speech, Dad called her while she was here and reassured her we'd be over to fix the car, and she calmed down.  She said, "when things go wrong I just want my Mom and Dad (ha ha!)."  Meanwhile I crocheted and listened until she was okay.

I slipped into PJ's early, poured myself a glass of wine, and watched Judge Judy while I crocheted more (my favorite slowdown routine when it's quiet in the house and there are leftovers).

Saturday we were naturally up at 5am.  Hubby cooked breakfast and we of course had to wait for our 19 year-old to get out of bed to head to her place.  By 9am, it was still only 26°F outside, and cloudy.

We drove up to fix Daughter's car, picked up groceries and came back home with about 2-3 hours to spare.  Hubby arranged a night out with a poker game, Youngest went to visit her boyfriend, and I stayed home and crocheted.  

The snow rolled in and boy it was cold and the road not that great.  Didn't see or hear a snow plow until wee hours in the morning.

This morning?  Or today?  I have no idea.  All depends on anything that pops up to interrupt our plans.  Since we spent most of the day fixing Daughter's (19 year-old) car, we didn't get wood split prior to the snow arriving.  Hubby and daughter had my car all night, and never got home until almost 2am.  I was furious.  The roads were terrible, and I received a message they were on the way at 8:30pm.  By 11:40pm I was calling.  Here it took Youngest to drive 1 1/2 hours to pick Hubby up, when it should have taken about 30 minutes or so.   So here I am, up at 5am stoking the fire, while those two are sound asleep.  I'm tempted to bang a lot of pots and pans right now.


  1. Most times they don't really want Mom and Dad to give advice - they just want someone to listen while they work out their own problems. Well played.
    You are a nicer person than me...I think I would have gone for crashing pots and pans. :)

  2. Ha ha! Thanks Vicki, I was so tempted to make a lot of racket.

  3. I think I would have opted for the banging on pots and pans, lol!

  4. Kids. They need us at all phases of life. Usually right after they tell you to mind your own business then two days later you get the text..."my babysitter quit" or "my furnace quit" or "I wish my boss would quit" If I had a dollar for every time I bit my tongue I could have the surgery needed to replace it. I bit it off completely around 2004.

  5. mamasmercantile, I made some noise, ha ha!

  6. Donna, ha ha! I get long calls from one daughter.

  7. Our youngest just left for Ghana for 27 months. Not gonna miss those melt-downs (well, maybe a little). And I would make some noise...


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