Monday, January 14, 2019

Happy Homemaker Monday

I'm joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.  I can't believe I got through the holiday season without baking one pie.  I picked this photo today to inspire me to bake one this week or over the weekend.

We got 2 inches of snow Saturday night.  Sunday it was frigid. The wind was wicked and cold.  We ran out of cut/split wood Sunday morning, and it's not the first.  We got that job done ASAP and of course, Hubby was mumbling under his breath about not being better prepared (happens more often than not, ha ha!).  Another snow storm is heading our way this coming Saturday too.

On the breakfast plate . . .
Leftover blueberry pancakes

The weather outside . . .
23°F, and the wind has died down today.

Right now I am . . .
Getting the fire going again.  Some ding dong left the top damper open and it burned completely out last night.

Thinking . . .
I better get Youngest up in a bit.  They had a two hour delay due to the drifting yesterday, and some roads still need more plowing.

On my reading pile . . .
My youngest and I were just talking about this yesterday.  Both of us haven't been reading much of anything lately.

On the TV . . .
The Ranch (can't remember what episode we are on)

On the menu . . .
A crock pot week other than tuna and noodle, mashed potatoes and green beans
-Steel cut oats (breakfast)
-Spanish rice
-4 beans and sausage
-potato corn chowder and biscuits or homemade bread
-red beans and rice

On my to-do list . . .

-work out
-tidy up the living room

What I am creating . . .

"F" bombs  - a lot of them for an order

New recipe I want to try. . . 
A homemade skin scrub. A lot of cooking recipes too.

Looking around the house . . .
Looks like my kitchen could use a tidy up job too.

On the camera . . .
I haven't taken any photos since our trip.

On my prayer list . . .
The kids.  I have some news on one of them, but can't share it just yet.  And no, no one is pregnant (thank goodness).  The other news is that our nephew and his wife are selling their trailer and buying a house.  It's a grand deal, but two kids can't afford to buy it until May, so we are hoping it does not sell until then. Otherwise the deal is off for them.  I hope it works out, but at the price it's selling, it may get sold before they can buy it (due to their lease at their apt).


  1. I love the "f" bombs! Such a fun idea!

  2. That waterfall looks so soothing. Praying all works out for your kids. You know I never made a pie during the holidays either, unusual. Probably make my husband a chocolate one at Valentine's day time. Hope you have a wonderful week ahead!

  3. We haven't had a pie recently either, you may have inspired me to bake this week. Glad you got the firewood restocked - winter storms are the worst time to have to do that though. Stay warm and have a GREAT week.

  4. Hoping your nephew gets the deal. We always try to be prepared but there is always something we missed ;) Hope you have a great week

  5. LOL you don't understand how much I laughed at your comment "some ding dong left the top damper open". Hahahah

    Yummy menu, and now you have me looking forward to pie as well.

  6. Rachel, I can't believe how many people are buying them! Ha ha!

  7. Thanks Jean, a chocolate pie sounds great!

  8. Tamy, it's definitely not fun to work wood in winter. I'm hoping for a better stock up this summer.

  9. Those F bombs are cute. LOL Keeping my fingers crossed for your nephew and his wife! Home ownership feels like such a grown-up jump! :)

  10. Thanks Becki, I have heard of people not getting their house purchases to go through due to government shut down, so I do hope all goes well for them and the kids buying their trailer.

  11. Love the F bombs!!!! And the waterfall pic is gorgeous!! Have a great week!!


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