Monday, December 31, 2018

Happy Homemaker Monday

Today I'm joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.  Sunday we got "Big Red" fired up.  Here's hoping she'll keep starting now.  It (the truck) could need a few parts yet.

We drove "Big Red" to the "Big City" and delivered a gift and Christmas cookies, picked up load of straw and headed back home.  I forgot to renew my library books, but it looks like only a few are late (this time).

On the breakfast plate . . . 
Homemade breakfast burrito and coffee

The weather outside is . . .
Rain is on the way, with a high of 56°F, but will quickly go back to the low 20's at night for the next week.

As I look out my window . . .
It's still dark out.

On the to-do list . . .
-take care of the chickens
-feed barn cats (Leo still comes once every often)
-put away clean dishes
-empty ash pan (depends on the rain today)
-start another tincture
-knock down some cobwebs
-put a few Christmas decorations away
-put a Christmas tablecloth away
-re-file all of the recipes I got out over the holidays
-take down the snowman shower curtain and put it away
-sweep kitchen
-measure out dry ingredients for homemade biscuits

Currently reading . . .

On the TV . . .
A netflix series called The Ranch, and another called Rain.  not sure if we'll finish the Rain series.  It's getting weird like the Walking Dead got weird.  I don't enjoy movies where they eat people.  Yuck.

On the menu this week . . .
I'm about to go check my pantry.  Possibly homemade stove top tuna and noodle with some veggie sides.  I'm taking meals much easier this week. 

What I'm creating . . .
More sunflower keyfobs

Sorry for the dark photos.  I took the rest of them very early in the morning this morning.

Started a granny square winter scarf

Working on some mini crocheted hearts

Knitted dishcloth, another scrap lapghan, and more crocheted headbands.

Finished some spring cup coasters

Finished a few knitted dishcloths

Finished a few heart dishcloths

New recipe I tried or want to try . . .
Nothing this week.  

Favorite photo . . .
I haven't been taking a lot of photos lately.  This one makes me smile.  It's always a good day when laundry can dry outside.


  1. You are so talented with all that crocheting! I renew my library books on-line, not sure if that's an option for you but it helps me when I can't get to the library. My husband watched The Ranch and I got kind of sucked into it as well. Hope you have a great week & of course, a very Happy New Year!

  2. Looks like a busy Monday. We've got the rain and clouds here today, too. I love all your handicrafts! I especially like the sunflower keyfobs! What a cute project!!! Have a blessed and happy New Year, my friend!

  3. What a lovely bunch of photos. Happy New Year.

  4. You have been busyyyyy :) I love all your crochet and knitted goodies, those always make me so happy.

    I hope you have a wonderful blessed New Year Kristina :)

  5. Sounds super busy - I don;t know how you get it all done! Have a wonderful New Year and may 2019 be a wonderful year for you and your family.

  6. Thank you Jean. Yes, I can renew online, but often forget.

  7. Thank you Off Grid Ferals. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  8. The Ranch is a funny show. Those sunflower key fobs!!!! <3 Love!



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