Sunday, December 30, 2018

Getting Away

2018 didn't go by without another grave to dig.  Sapphire will so, so greatly be missed at the homestead.  Thank you all for your kind words.  We just didn't think that it could ever happen, as both cats came with the place, and we've been here over 10 years now.

We've been running strong over this Christmas, and with Hubby working on our anniversary, we took off for a night.

We started out early and made a few purchases.  We ate lunch at a locally run (nearby big city) Mexican restaurant and were pretty happy with our food.  We made a few other stops and walked through one of the largest (oh my aching back) antique malls.  I couldn't believe I only left with one item - a beautiful red butter dish.  

We were going to visit a local winery and listen to live music, but us "old" people couldn't stay up that long, and retreated to our hotel room (which by the way got a good spray down with my anti-ill oil I brought along).  We were quite disappointed in the steak and potato restaurant though - cold potatoes, dry steak, and the mixed drinks were horrible.  After a first bad one, I ordered one I know and it was the worst ever, finally sending it back.  Overall, it was a fun, fun, and relaxing (other than our hike through the antique mall), and we even stopped at a local chocolate/ice cream shop.  Mmmm.

We brought our youngest daughter home a few goodies, and I bought myself a new sweater (which I need more of).  I of course wanted to visit the yarn store, as we are so limited near the homestead, but I put it off for another day.  I don't think we'll be browsing through many antique stores too often anymore.  We both get to coughing and itchy eyes from all the dust.  I do love them, but we'll stick to smaller ones in the future.

Hubby and I plan to do a lot more celebrations for our 20th anniversary, so I hope that involves more bike rides too.  

I'm back home today cleaning up the kitchen and stoking the fire.  "Big Red" is getting worked on, in hopes she'll be running later today.  It's sunny, but cold.  I'm just glad there's no snow (yet).


  1. That butter dish is really nice. We have a flea market in the area that's only open on Tuesdays in the summer, I think it's a 10 mile hike to go around the whole thing, it's amazing for deals, but oh tiring and yes, DUSTY!!!

  2. Rain, I agree, tiring and dusty. I love to find a good usable buy though, ha ha!

  3. I'm so sorry to hear about your Sapphire. How very sad. Glad you got away for a day. I love the new butter dish. I can't seem to keep a butter dish. Why do butter dishes break so easy?? :)

  4. Henny Penny, now that the kids are moved out (all but one) my butter dishes last much longer. I have a metal one too (antique). And a round glass one too for round Amish butter. Thank you for kind words about Sapphire. She will be missed greatly.


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