Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Christmas Baking

I woke up Wednesday dragging my feet.  I was full force on Tuesday, and so happy with my progress.  Slowly, I got things rolling.  With a 3rd pot of coffee.  And some rock n' roll.  There is one radio station that plays all Christmas, but it's slow stuff.  I had to hook my phone up to the radio and get some rock n' roll going on.  

Baking resumed. More brittle was made too.  I called out to the kids and got reinforcements to finish the baking.

I literally gave the cashew brittle to my daughter and told her to hide it.  Otherwise Hubby would have it gone before the festivities started, ha ha! 

Good news.  Jesse ate his breakfast.  However, Daughter (his Mom) called me last night.  We are going back to all homemade food for him now.  He doesn't have many years left, and we will be spoiling him.


  1. 3 pots of coffee...eek! I'd be through the roof lol...I can barely handle 1 cup lately!!! :) The food looks great! Oh that's nice to spoil Jesse...they really don't have long on this earth, I feel the same way, they deserve to be spoiled!

  2. That's great about making food for Jesse! He will be feeling so good, and acting like a puppy soon. We are so happy we started feeding our little guy real food... he acts 5 years younger!

  3. you are right wyomingheart, he could actually jump up on the bed after starting to eat again.


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