Monday, September 17, 2018

Nothin! ~ Hittin' the Road

There is nothin' goin' on here at the homestead that is actually "homesteady."  

There has been nothing but weeding and crochet work going on here.  Literally.  One small flower bed is weeded, but took an entire morning. And the snakes...oh the snakes are everywhere this year.  From big bad boys to babies....everywhere.  I'm pretty sure I gave some folks driving by, a laugh.  Imagine me doing the "Eeeeek!" snake dance when driving by.

It's been a mouse year too.  The barn cats have happily left me porch presents on way too many occasions.  Some days it's parts and some days it's the whole package.  Tiger (indoor cat) has been on the mouse hunt too.  Good kitties.

Weeding has been a most dreaded job lately this year.  I picked a measly 3# of tomatoes.  A far cry from 45# on a typical garden day.  Just a really, really bad year for us.  The carrots, beets, and sweet potatoes are still underground.  

We woke up to fog Friday morning.  Lots of it.  See that corn?  It is as far left and right as you can turn you head.  The crop duster plane was back to spray the soybeans again.  I was actually shocked that they were spraying so late in the season too.  I ran out and took my bedding off the clothesline real quick.  They spray the soybeans so often it's getting scary.  Just one more reason we may pack up and move.  Way too many chemicals around us.

Hubby and I woke up Friday debating our plans - camping, poker run, yard and garden work.  We couldn't even decide by the time he left for work, which is odd for me. 

We spontaneously decided to go camping.  I took a jar of hot banana pepper relish, and we used it on almost everything, including breakfast burritos.  We had a very relaxing time and actually slept in.  I did a bit of crocheting too.

I have been offered another craft show opportunity, but it's the very next day after the one I signed on to do.  Not sure if I want to commit to the entire weekend of it or not yet.  Here is what I've been making lately.....

Lots of rooster Christmas tree ornaments.

Created a pig Christmas tree ornament, and quite proud of how it turned out.  No pattern either.  Created my own. Now Hubby says I need to make cow ornaments.  We'll see.

How was your weekend?  We are back home and back to weeding, but possible rain today.  I have to go out to the camper and clean the inside before the rain arrives.


  1. Loved those little crochet critters - esp. the pig with both ends of him!! Sadly no crochet or crafts for me today as I got dabbed by one of the cats this morning when he was under the settle, and in withdrawing my hand quickly, knocked and bruised it on the wood. Icing it with a bag of peas was more painful than doing it!!

    I don't blame you going camping and relaxing properly. Doing back to back fairs is hard - we sometimes get this with our antiques fairs, and seem to be forever packing up or unpacking, let alone being on the road.

  2. Hi Kristina :) I'm sorry your gardening harvest didn't work out like it should disappointing. It's hard to find motivation to weed when you haven't much to harvest. That's horrible about the spraying...are you guys seriously considering moving? I'd do a really big eek snake dance myself...up north we only have those grass snakes and I only saw two this year and still did a few break-dance type of eek moves lol...I LOVE your piggy!!! :)

  3. I love your tree ornaments, they would make great key chain fobs too. Glad you managed to get away camping.

  4. Your ornaments are wonderful! I bet you sell out in a minute!!!

  5. You have a cycle of life and death there. Unfortunate for the mice they may be the only ones meeting their maker. Makes sense though excessive mice, excessive snakes to eat excessive mice and lots of presents on the door step thank you kitties! Our snake population always coincides with a rise in the rodent population and I love them for that. As long as only the "good guys" show up.

    Glad to hear you got away for the weekend and got some R&R.

  6. Thanks Rain, I've seen about over a dozen or two snakes this year.

  7. Thanks mamasmercantile. A key fob is a good idea too.

  8. Goatldi, I didn't think about the snakes being around more due to more mice. That may be it, but they need to go, lol!

  9. I've been thinking of Etsy for years too...LOL! But I am so busy trying to downsize that I figured I would wait until after I move. Good luck and your ornaments are really cute. Good for you making your own pattern!


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