Thursday, September 13, 2018

Homemade Madagascar Vanilla Extract

I've been making my homemade vanilla for years.  I simply purchase madagascar vanilla beans (non-gmo, organic), and organic vodka.  I'll admit, it's become more difficult to find an organic grain vodka, but make sure it's grain, not a potato vodka.

Place 1 cup of vodka in a pint canning jar.*

Slice 5 vanilla beans down the center of each, and then cut each bean in half. 

Place vanilla beans into the vodka filled canning jar.

Place lid/rim on and store in a cool, dark location for 3-6 months.

Shake the jar once a day.

Strain, and store in amber glass bottles.

It makes a wonderful gift for Christmas, so start early, and have it ready in time.  I purchased amber bottles, created my own label, and it was very much appreciated.  Include recipes, or the recipe to make it when gifting.

*use any glass jar that will hold 1 cup of liquid and still leave room for shaking the jar.


  1. I will bookmark this one. Thanks!

  2. What a lovely gift, thank you for sharing.

  3. I have wanted to do this for years! thank you for the recipe but I am most interested in how you made your labels? They look so nice and that does make a great gift!


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