Monday, May 14, 2018

Happy Homemaker Monday

The weekend weather was wacky.  Friday I got very little done outside.  I started weeding the herb garden, got a corner done, and it started to rain.  It rained until noon, and it was cold, dark and windy.

Saturday it was raining again, and pretty cold.

Sunday morning we had more rain and thunderstorms.  I had to build a tent in the kitchen for old man Jesse.  I put an afghan over the backs of kitchen chairs to keep him calm.  We can't find his thunder jacket.

I'm joining Sandra over at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom today.

On the breakfast plate . . .

Leftover blueberry whole-wheat pancakes, coffee and pomegranate juice.

Right now I am. . .
getting ready to tackle the kitchen clean up first.  

Thinking. . .
When will the rain give me a break for outside work? Which job should I tackle first?  Which weed will I be able to pick today and dehydrate or use for dinner?

On my reading pile. . .
Nothing.  No motivation to sit and read with the garden in full swing (dodging the rain), and with a recent crochet order.

On my TV . . .
The last 3 shows of Wild Fire

On the menu . . .
-Chicken Teriyaki
-have no idea, ha ha!

On my to-do list . . .
Depends on the weather.  I've been fighting the rain to get the weeding done, but the house work is on the top of the list if the rain arrives early.  If the rain arrives I also have some "make it" items on the list.

The weather outside is . . .
Warmer than the weekend, but rain is coming.  Again.  And again for more days here.

What I am crocheting, knitting, sewing or creating. . .

Well I can tell you what I created - a small crocheted nesting basket to hold my reusable "cotton balls."  

I also got a set of 3 mini nesting baskets crocheted and gifted them to Mom for Mother's Day.  I filled a gift bag with a bottle of wine, chocolates, snacks, a beach glass necklace, and a pair of flamingo print socks (which she loved!).  

I also got a crochet order - a winter scarf.  I'm tickled I got the order, so it's my porch project this week.

Homemaking Tip:  Buy a reusable shopping bag for a gift bag.  They are much cheaper, and more environmentally friendly.  We attempted this at the largest grocery chain Mom shops at, but they had zero in the store.  I was not happy, but the idea is a perfect one for gifting.

Looking forward to this week . . .
Well, I'd say our family camp out, but we canceled it today.  Due to the rain, we will have to reschedule.  Otherwise I am looking forward to the big move out if it happens.  More on that later (not us, the kids).

From the camera . . . 
Hubby and I sip hot coffee and watch the sunrise every morning before he leaves for work, and this is one of them lately.

Bible verse, devotional, quote . . .
Matthew 6:25 NIV

Do Not Worry

25 “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes?


  1. I love that you take the time for the sunrise with your husband every morning.
    Great idea about the reusable bag.
    The crochet bags are great. I will look that up would be a great project.
    Have a great week

  2. Luludou, the shopping bags that are reusable are as cheap as $.99 and more useful too. The pattern for the nesting baskets is online at yarnspirations. Hope your week is nice too!

  3. Love your crochet baskets, they are adorable and what a great idea to use them for your cotton balls. :)

    Hope the rain lets up so that you can get your hands in the garden. I've been lucky and have pretty much spent all weekend with dirty hands, is there anything better?

    Have a great week.

  4. Beautiful sunrise! Love your tip. I used to do that for kids' birthday presents when my boys were younger. I'd get the character-themed ones from Toys-R-Us. Guess that won't be an option for much longer but I need to go back to using the reusable bags for gift bags (our local grocery store has good designs). Thanks for the reminder. Hope you get to see some sun and have a great week!

  5. Sandra, I love the baskets too, and I am already making more. I'm not getting any weeding and gardening done, so I sure hope this current rain lets up. The peas, potatoes, and other garden goodies are loving it, but I hope it doesn't flood out the garden too.

  6. Jean, paper gift bags can be almost $3.00 and up and they end up thrown away, so I'm super excited to use them this Christmas (the reusable bags). I sure hope we dry up at least. I had to pick my asparagus and cut the flower heads off the rhubarb in the rain today.

  7. Those baskets are wonderful! What a great gift idea! I usually try to use something either reusable or easily recyclable for wrapping. I am going to knock out a number of bento bags and use those from now on. Our weekend was half rain and half lovely. Unfortunately, the timing was off and I didn't get to work outside during the lovely part. Sounds like exciting news on the move out front!!!

  8. Love the nesting baskets! So pretty! I use a lot of reusable bags, too and make shopping bags out of feed and seed sacks. They're super sturdy and it's a great way to recycle! Have a blessed week ahead! <3

  9. I make reusable tote bags to use as gifts bags using thrift store sheets/quilt covers. I like the idea of recycling and saving fabrics from landfill. The weather finally picked up a little here so some work got done in the garden.

  10. Susan the baskets can be used as "wrapping" themselves too. We hope the "move out" works out for all of them too.

  11. Thanks Rebecca! I am making a few more sets of those baskets. They make nice gifts.

  12. mamasmercantile, I need more sewing practice. I hope to do that and get other new skills this year too.

  13. Love the nesting bowls you crocheted!! And what a gorgeous sunrise!! Its been rainy here for the last few days as well.... I need to get some yard work done and this is not helping... sigh! Have a great week!!


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