Friday, May 11, 2018

Birthday ~ Sparta ~ This and That

Woke up to a chilly 48°F this morning.  Hubby and I have been getting up earlier and having coffee on the porch.  The sun rises just about the time he rolls out of the driveway for work.  It was beautiful this morning, but right after I took this photo it was cloud cover.

Yesterday was my birthday.  I was home all day waiting for Hubby to get off work.  He had a dentist appt. after work too, so for me, it seemed like a looooooooong day.  I literally did not do any garden work.  It was too wet to weed too.  I did some crocheting on the porch, sat and talked with a few of the kids when they were home, and really just chilled all day.  When Hubby pulled in, he called me to the car, and surprised me with this Harley Davidson gift basket.

It contained a hip purse, photo album, hair glove, hair wrap, makeup, lotions, and more.  It was the best gift I could have gotten, and the only gift.

Well, not the only.  I got a hand written letter from my youngest daughter.

Hopefully you can click on it to make it bigger to read.  It just made my day, as I didn't get this until it was almost 4pm yesterday.

He took me out to eat to a Mexican restaurant so our youngest could join (only one home).  I opted to skip the birthday Harley ride so she could join.  Guess what I got for my birthday there?  A free shot of tequila!  

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I put the chickens in the run the other day, and when I went out to put them all in, I found Sparta caught in the chicken wire.  I felt awful.  I have no idea how long he was caught like that.  This is the 3rd time, so the he's out free ranging with the ladies, but I'm keeping an eye on them.  We've had a hawk and fox sighting and Hubby swears he saw a bald eagle a few nights ago.

We grilled burgers and camper potatoes one night.  I doctored up the burgers with freshly minced garlic, freshly cut garden green onion, some thyme and oregano.  I went digging in the freezer for jalapenos to add, but we are completely (sadly) out.  They were amazing.

I made myself an asparagus/potato frittata for my birthday breakfast - used up some fresh home grown asparagus, some pickled asparagus, and pickled garlic.  I added some "Full Throttle" spice to it and used homemade yogurt to fluff up the eggs.  I topped it with garden green onion too. Yum!  I forgot my dandelion greens though.

I made a weed pesto for another dinner - dead purple nettles, chickweed and dandelion greens.  Pretty good too I might say.

It's only a high of 55°F today.  Brr.  It will be a nice day for weeding the umpteen flower beds, and herb garden though.  The bumble bees are terrible this year, and they won't come out when it's that cold thankfully.  

Well, I better get this posted.  My dehydrator is full of chickweed and I'll be filling it up again after I weed today.  There is a very nice patch of cleavers in my back porch flower bed, but I sadly will not use it.  It's way too close to some poison ivy, and I am not taking a chance.

It looks like the weather will be wet after today - 6 days of rain in the forecast.  

Happy Friday to you all!


  1. Belated Birthday wishes. The gift basket was stunning but the letter from your daughter was a delight, a great gift.

  2. Belated happy birthday to you, Kristina. Glad you squeezed a day of rest in your busy schedule.

    Good idea to stay away from the poison ivy. We have very little of it up here . . . of which I'm very glad!

  3. Mama Pea, we have the poison ivy all over the back side of the garage (ack!). I am hoping for a relaxing weekend.

  4. Belated Happy Birthday! Sounds like it was a lovely day and the letter from your daughter is a real treasure. I had never thought about making a weed pesto, but I like the idea! Chickweed would be especially good for that.

  5. Leigh, thank you! As for the weed pesto, it's been requested again already. I used a mix of 3 weeds as I weeded the flower bed. So healthy too.


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