Thursday, April 12, 2018

Family ~ Black Bean Hummus

I'm sitting in my kitchen, sipping some herbal tea, trying to be very quiet.  Hubby will need his sleep today more than ever.  Especially these next couple of days.  He's trying to be strong, but having been a "brother" to his nephew from age 4-5, he had a very tight relationship.

I can't recall when his nephew wasn't there to help us in any predicament.  He never judged anyone that I know of, and was a very giving man and good father.  He held up the family for so many years, hosting get togethers at his house.

I'm hoping the aroma of two large pans of stuffed chick pea shells cooling, doesn't wake Hubby up.  Thankfully, I had some help from a daughter with these.  The macaroni salad is already in the refrigerator, iced tea and water are in the car, and a bag of more food is waiting to be delivered tomorrow morning.  It's to help with the meal after the funeral.

I'm sitting here babysitting the pans of shells, as the dogs are all upstairs with a daughter, and you just never know if one will wander down if I walk out.  I can't cool them in my bedroom or the utility room today.

I needed something to distract my mind, so blog world gets a post from me today.  Last night, about an hour before Hubby had to leave for work, we got some back porch time.  It has really warmed up here.

I just remembered, I'll need to fetch the stuff from the car, before we deliver the food.  Hubby took my car to work, hit something on the road, and it's sitting in the driveway with a flat tire.  He feels terrible about it, and more so frustrated.  I told him to ignore it for now and we'll deal with it Saturday.  There isn't time today or tomorrow anyway. He's sick about it, but we'll manage.

I just tasted my black bean hummus, which I totally forgot about, considering our world has been turned upside down.

It's not the prettiest photo, and I didn't want to making noise chopping fresh cilantro to top it, but it is very good.  I baked my black beans from dry beans first.  Dry have more nutrition than canned, and I had them on hand.  I just picked a random recipe online and used more jalapeno in it.

Hubby will love this.  I used my frozen garden jalapenos (enough for the size of one pepper), and our garden garlic.  It uses way less tahini than the regular chickpea hummus too.

So far, we have tried regular hummus, roasted butternut squash hummus, red lentil hummus, pumpkin hummus, and beet hummus.  I think that's all of them anyway.  

What's next to try?

Sweet potato hummus.  I don't know why I didn't try it sooner, so I'm excited to put that on my "try-it" list now.

The black bean hummus turned out very light, so dipping freshly sliced green bell peppers, or celery into it is very easy.
Of course a cracker is good with it too.

Well, the rain stopped, and the sun is out now. I plan to get a bit of front porch time after the pans of shells are safely put into the refrigerator.  It's a bit windy, but temperature is fantastic.  I think Hubby will go out when he wakes up, and say, "let's take the Harley."  It's really that nice out.  I guess I will find out later today.

Thank you all for your kind words, support, and love.  It's so hard to comprehend that we have buried 2 (and about to bury a 3rd) people in one family, in such a short time.  Here is a photo that has all three of them playing cards in a garage.

On the right - Hubby's sister, in the back, her son (our nephew), and in the blue hoodie, his son (our great nephew).


  1. I picked up some dessert Hummus at Harris Teeter the other day! It's Dark Chocolate, and fantastic! I'm sorry for your loss, will be praying for you in the upcoming days...

  2. I am so sorry to hear you have lost another treasured family member. Life seems to test us at times. I hope that doing the blog post helped you a little bit, and thank you for mentioning the different sorts of hummus you can make. I will mention them to my eldest daughter, as she enjoys hummus for lunch.

    I hope that your husband suggested a spin on the Harley to get you both distracted for a wee while. My thoughts are with you.

  3. I'm so sorry to read your sad news. Sending healing thoughts and prayers to you.x

  4. You are in my prayers. Your food contributions for the funeral sound and look amazing, hope hubby manages to sleep though the beautiful aromas drifting around your home. Take care.

  5. Stacy, I have not tried dessert hummus yet. I'll have to add that to my list now. Thank you for your prayers.

  6. Bovey, thank you for your kind words. We did get a spin on the Harley, and it was just what we both needed.

  7. Thank you mamasmercantile, we even took a double batch of chocolate chip cookies (one of my daughter's helped make).


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