Saturday, April 14, 2018

Antidepressant Ride

Although I am mentally exhausted, and the weather today here is cold, and 100% chance of rain (did I mention cloudy), I woke up to a smile and a refreshed soul.  I have biker's sunburn.  Hubby does too.

The first bike is Hubby and I (Harley coat with back and white helmet is me).

We not only took the Harley to the visitation (taking the long way there and the long way home), but we rode behind the hearse on the Harley.  Not only that, but two other brothers rode motorcycles with us, and a few family friends. 

After the meal, giving a thousand hugs, shaking  hands, and crying, Hubby and I took off our coats, and took the extra, extra, long way home.  It was 70-something out, and the sun was shining all day.  Although a bit winding, it was the best thing we could have done for ourselves mentally.

I am up starting a fire in the wood stove today.  We had plans to take the Harley in for a tune up to be ready for riding season, but the rain that's in the forecast is 100% most of the day.  I guess we'll see.  We may be taking it into the shop next week instead.  Which may be better.

Hubby is still on nights.  He only got one night off, which was before the funeral, and had to work the night of the funeral.  

There is not one clean piece of flatware in this house.  I kid you not.  Not even a clean mug for coffee, nor cup for water.  The dirty dishes are piled high, tables covered etc.  It will be a long weekend of getting things back on track, but we'll manage hopefully (and hopefully keep our work quiet).

On a good note, I lost 3.4 lbs this past week.  One friend said it's only because of stress, but I am not so sure.  I worked out to keep mentally balanced, ate my usual good food, and kept busy.  I am not completely certain of the combination of foods that is working for me, but I'll rotate it a few more times and see what I am eating more of that helps balance my body's needs the most.  I know I ate broccoli a lot more this past week, as we had leftovers for a few days, but I'm not sure that's what is helping me just yet.

Hubby is now taking over the family torch of getting family together.  His nephew was the rock in the family that held us all together.  He cooked out often, made breakfast gatherings, he never missed one of his grand kid's events, and was there for us for any reason.  He never made judgement on anyone.

There are so many big jobs that need done here at the homestead, including some indoor work, but somehow we'll get the homestead ready for a gathering soon.   I have much to organize, papers a mile high to file (just been lazy in that department), and more deep cleaning.  However, no one in my husband's side of the family cares whether the house is clean or not, they just enjoy getting together.

We now have corn hole boards, which was his nephew's favorite game at gatherings.  The boards we have were purchased at the fundraiser event for his son a few months back.  They are Ohio State boards, built and painted by our nephew, so they are even more memorable to have bought.

Update on the black bean hummus - Hubby absolutely loved it!  In fact, he requested that I make both regular and black bean for the next gathering.  We have a lot of hot pepper fans on his side of the family (black bean hummus has jalapeno in it).

On a last note, two daughter's brought their boyfriends to the funeral.  We have already met one, which we do not like, nor approve of, but we just met the one our oldest is dating.  I can't say I have an opinion just yet.  It was a stressful day, and I didn't have much time to talk.  However, after we all returned home, we all got some much needed porch time, and Hubby took our oldest daughter for her first motorcycle ride.   

Our youngest daughter is like me - has a passion for writing .  To help her cope with all of this mental stress, I purchased her a  500 writing prompt journal.  I never thought about it, but she mentioned she had never been to a funeral until last year, and we've been to 3 funerals in 8 months - all the same family.  It has been a very tough time emotionally.

Thank you again, for all of your kind words, uplifting prayers, and good thoughts.  We truly, truly appreciate them.  


  1. I am so glad everything went well and that you found the bike ride so uplifting to your mental health. Continuing family events would be a lovely tribute to those that you have lost. Take care.

  2. Yesterday our next door neighbors took their Harley out for a ride and it made Dan wish he still had his bike. But oh well, we enjoyed the beautiful day by making progress elsewhere. :) Congrats on the weight loss! And I'll definitely have to try your black bean hummus. Black turtle beans grow well for me, so a new recipes is always welcome.

  3. Leigh, Hubby is always sad when we park the Harley, sit on the porch, and more Harley's pass the house, ha ha! I'll look up the ingredients I used for the hummus and hopefully get it posted for you.


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