Thursday, March 8, 2018

Thursday Tidbits

It's official.  We have ended out 2017 supply of home grown sweet potatoes, and I am thrilled the held up so nicely.  I made an egg/veggie scramble and thawed some frozen garden  zucchini for this too.  Frozen zucchini is not a real crisp veggies, so it works out well for breakfast meals and for casseroles/soups.

Not much going on in our next of the woods right now.  The snow is back, but it's gone as fast as it comes down. It's a bit cold, but that just gives me more opportunity to tackle deep cleaning projects (washing woodwork, cleaning out junk in the utility room, sorting things that can go to the thrift, organizing things back to their less chaotic stage, cleaning off dressers, nightstands, and what not). I'm going through old magazines, picking books to donate to the thrift, making a list of books I want to buy (ha ha!), and so forth.

However, this cold weather is pushing my "spring" cleaning until later.  You know, things like curtains, bed spreads, etc.  I like to hang them outside when they are washed, open windows, wash the windows that same day and windowsills.  The weather hasn't been good for drying outside the last few days.  It's also not been good for carpet shampooing.  I like to have windows open to help dry it quickly, and have fresh air flowing indoors. 

I am still writing up a list of new recipes to try.  Next week, I hope to restock the pantry to do it.  Organic meats and organic white potatoes are on my list.

I've been a part of a "point" program at the farm store where I purchase our organic feed.  I have finally...finally....received a 10% discount coupon for the next purchase.  It feels like it took forever, but I'll take it.

I have lost my exercise and crochet mojo this week.  I think it's the dark skies outside that are affecting my mood.  I think it's time to turn on some lights, put on some uplifting music, and brew some mood lifting teas today.  

Speaking of teas.  I learned something yesterday.  I learned that gingko is not only good for a brain booster, but it help raise estrogen levels, and it's good for eye health.  I had no idea.  I have a book from the library that I'm reading, and feel it's the best detailed book yet (yet not all herbs are listed, but a keeper book). I'll be back to share it soon.

Have a great weekend!  I think the sun will be shining tomorrow.  I need it badly too.  It's been too long of a winter, but I'm glad I have the month of March to ready for the garden too, and work on my weight loss (a woman can dream can't she, ha ha!).


  1. I certainly need to work on my weight loss too, all I seem to be achieving at the moment is putting more on.

  2. Mamasmercantile, I think we all typically put a few pounds on during winter, ha ha!

  3. I think there should be a law about not having to even think about your weight all winter.


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