Monday, March 12, 2018

Happy Homemaker Monday

It's Monday.  Today I'm joining Sandra over at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.  Although I am looking at "motherhood" in a different way, I'm joining.  If you read through today's post, you'll see what I mean about "motherhood."

Last week was a long parenting week. Bills were paid, but propane has not been ordered.  I called to get quotes and I was horrified at the price.  They lowered the minimum to order from 300 gallons to 200 and the price is $100 more than what we paid for 300.  Hubby wants to call around before we order.  We may be making changes if we find lower prices.

I've whipped up a "balancing" herbal tea mix for myself, and will simply grate fresh ginger into it (I'm out of dried ginger root and rose petals).  

I've been "MIA" from my blog these last few days.  Due to the overload of a heavy parental week, we took a dearly needed mental-parental break (or so we thought).  Hubby and I at the last minute, stole away for the weekend.  We restocked health items we can't get around our area, and we got a weekend away to "fill our tanks" (or so we thought).  

On the breakfast plate. . .

Sweet potato egg scramble, toast with sweet potato butter, and a very large pot of organic coffee.  I mean two pots of coffee.

The weather outside is . . . 
Sunny but cold. It's a chilly 22°F this morning.

What I am pondering at the moment . . .
Right now, I'm thinking parents can't really ever get a break from parenting, while the kids are even young adults.  I mean, not only a few hours into our drive away, our 18 year-old calls me to ask what the post office hours are.  Seriously.  I told her them, but also reminded her she has "google" to find them too.  Then, we came home to find out that the older girls never took the younger one shopping for the boots and other items she needed for her musical (always last minute, and during the week she is in rehearsal from after school until 9pm.  Every single night).

We also came home to find out they never picked up my chicken feed while they were in town.  So, we took our money back, got back in the car, and 8 stores later we found boots and the remaining needed items.  That doesn't count the stores we called either (fashion boots are already out of season and sandals are now stocked).  Then, we dragged our tired bums to the feed store and restocked the chicken feed before they closed.

Our weekend away, became the  "slam it in your face" no break from parenting.  Responsibility at it's best.  Sigh...

I'm glad we had stopped at a winery on Saturday, because when we returned home, we downed a bottle (should have bought two) of watermelon wine (award winning, and made in the area) to self medicate.  Welcome back to reality.

Note to self - unplug my clothes dryer before leaving town.  That way the kids will think it's broke.  I opened it today, to find the lint trap FULL of lint and the dryer full of kids clothes (when we have 4 drying racks and an indoor line.  I just paid our very high electric bill.....sigh....

On the menu . . . 
Beef Burgundy
fish of some sort
Chickpea, beet and feta salad (might be a side)
...not quite sure again, as we were gone over the weekend.

On the to-do list . . . 
Regular chores: 
master bath
restock firewood
water plants
sweep and mop kitchen
Write out my grocery list while floor dries
Make sauerkraut
Make more "fire it up" herb/spice mix
...time to play catch up on everything I guess

Monthly Deep cleaning:
wash the inside of the kitchen sink cupboard
wash the inside of the trash can cupboard
clean out fridge
pull fridge out from wall, sweep, mop and wash the outside
clean out second fridge
....not sure what yet needs done
(it's a short list until the weather warms up to wash rugs, bed quilts, curtains, windows, etc.)

If I have a few minutes to myself I will . . . 
Take a nap.😪 With the slam it in our face return home, and the time change, we are both whipped.  Hubby went to work of course, so if I do nap, I'm gonna feel guilty.

What I'm reading . . .

I picked up this book at a thrift store.  It has some new information on a few herbs I grow.  It is one I picked up over the weekend, not the one I was telling you all about.

What's on the TV. . .

Watching free local shows we can get on our basic TV channels.  Or nothing.

What I and crocheting, knitting, sewing or creating. . .

Baby blanket(s).  The panels are together now (on one of them), and I'm slip-stitching the unconnected rows.  I've decided the blanket is bigger than I'd like, so I'll be getting two baby blankets out of this project.  A few have asked, and these will not be sold or gifted.  These blankets will go in my shrine of accomplishments (my closet) in preparation for future grand-parenting (if that should happen).  The work has been ex-haust-ing, and a long haul.  I'll post when the first one is finished.

I'm not panicking that every single row has an end to sew in.  I'll just catch them all when I crochet the edging on it.  

I also worked on this dishcloth during the 3 hour car trip this past weekend.  

New recipe I tried, or want to try this (or next) week . . .
 Chickpea, beet and feta salad.  

From my camera . . . 

. . . just a few scenic photos from our weekend away.

Bible Verse, Devotional, Quote. . .
"Slow down everyone.  You are moving too FAST!"
 - Jack Johnson.


  1. The joy of teenagers, huh? Sorry your relaxing weekend didn't quite pan out as planned. Don't feel guilty if you nap today, it's International Take A Nap Day so you wouldn't want to miss out on that. Hope your week gets better!

  2. Your blanket is beautiful! I do understand what you mean when parenting never ends.... No matter how old they become... Praying you have a blessed week!

  3. Lovely baby blanket... yep kids... just don't seem to grow up UNTIL they get their own place... then they learn :)
    Beautiful pictures - no snow! a dream
    Have a great week

  4. Nothing wrong with mental health breaks!

  5. Your sky is so beautiful and blue, such a pretty day to go for a drive. Hang in there with the parenting, it’s a tough job, hope the sun shines on your days this week!

  6. Luludou, thank you. I didn't realize how blue the sky was until I posted those photos.

  7. hoosier girl, it's Monday and I already need another break, ha ha ha ha!

  8. Parenting doesn't end, but it does get easier as they grow into adulthood and start having families of their own. Sometimes it just takes a while. Hope your week ahead is better and that you get caught up on some rest. Blessings! <3

  9. Sorry your weekend away caused so much hassle for you in the end. Love your pictures this week. Have a GREAT week.

  10. Sorry you had a hard weekend - teenagers... I think they only start growing up when they move into their own home and realize SOMEONE has to do everything.


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