Monday, February 12, 2018

Happy Homemaker Monday ~ Grab a beverage, snack or even a meal today - it's long.

I am taking the morning a bit slower today.  There is a reason for this too.  I know it's unusual, but trust me, things will be slow today.   I'm joining Sandra at Diary of a stay at home Mom.  

Hubby and I worked our bums off on Sunday.  We spent the morning cutting, splitting and stacking wood. It rained on us, so there was a layer of ice over the top of the snow, making it most difficult to walk in.  I woke up so exhausted, although we retired early.  I can't imagine how he feels today at his full time job today.  Especially, since I over slept, and never heard his alarm go off and slept through the time I typically get up and fire up the coffee pot, get his breakfast and lunch around etc.  I didn't even hear him leave this morning.

My teabag, after we came inside from wood cutting work.  Sort of funny if you ask me.

That's not all we did.  Or I should say I did.  I made a 5 gallon bucket of laundry detergent, so I could get right back to "busy" again today. 

Then I paid some bills.

I am sluggish and really want to go back to bed, but there is the possibility of an afternoon nap.  Maybe.  I am definitely taking the to-do list and delegating, and spreading it out all week.  Today's list is very short, just so I can recoup from yesterday.  Then again, my fitbit challenge is to walk 55,000 steps from the 12th to the 16th this week.  Which means 2 miles on the treadmill or it won't happen.

Plus, I woke up to a mess in my living room.  Zuri-raptor struck again.  This time she ate one of my baggies of radish seeds (why oh why??????) that I had germinating, then she had pulled trash from the trash and it was all over, and then (yes there is more), she some how got the bag of raffle tickets (for the fundraiser) off the top of my recipe boxes, which are at the back of a counter, and ripped them open almost ruining some of them. Why?????  That dog!  They both are the reason our butter is kept in a canning jar with a lid on it vs. a butter dish.  Irresponsible kids leave the dish too close the edge, and too many times the dogs ate the entire stick of very expensive organic butter. 

The weather. . . 

Is cold. It rained yesterday, so it's a sheet of ice over the snow.  I have spikes on my muck boots, and even so, almost took a tumble.  

As I look outside the window. . .
The sun is shining brightly.

Right now I am . . .
. . procrastinating, ha ha!

Thinking and pondering . . .
What I don't really need to do today.

On my bedside table . . .
Just the usual, homemade chapstick, yarn needle, photo of Hubby, crocheted cup coaster, glass of water...etc.

On my TV. . .
There was nothing on it last night.  Hubby made two very long calls to his nephew and niece.  They are having a terrible time with the loss of their son.

On the menu this week . . .

Ha ha ha ha!  I have no idea.  Whatever the freezer and pantry provides.  I need to clean out the freezer anyway.

I know I will be making bacon I thawed.  Maybe omelets one breakfast or dinner?

On my to-do list . . .
Hen chores
Master bath
Make smoked almonds
Figure out dinner
water plants
fetch firewood
fetch the mail

Infuse nettle tea (Beam me up!)

What I am crocheting, sewing, knitting or creating . . .

An afghan I am donating to the upcoming auction.  I'm up to 21 colors.  The goal is at least 50, and finishing in time.

My simple pleasure. . . 
Indulging on a hot peppered pickled egg. Mmm.

New recipe I tried or want to try . . .
I mixed some herbs together, which I call "Fire it Up" herb/spice mix.  I'm going to try it on a few meals and update you later.

From the camera . . . .
Not much.  We've been working all weekend, and ran errands and what you see on this post is about what's on my camera.

Prayer list . . .
Our nephew, niece and their surrounding family. Our 18 year-old (interviewing for a new job), and other personal requests.

Bible verse, devotional, quote. . .
Image result for quote about working hard


  1. Your view is beautiful! I'm so sorry for the loss of your nephew and niece's son. Hope you get some rest today and have a nice week ahead.

  2. Thank you Jean! It's been most difficult for our nephew's family. To have a 21 year old suddenly be taken from this world is so hard for them to comprehend right now. For all of us really. I hope you have a nice week too.

  3. you are so lucky - no snow!
    So sorry for your loss :(

  4. Hi Kristina :) Your afghan looks great! And look at that, your teabags talk to you lol...that was interesting to get that message! :) After reading your post, I'm thinking I need a little Kahlua in my coffee too lol! You get so much done all the time and that view is spectacular! :)

  5. Loving your afghan still!!! Love the pic of the sun!! Have a great week!~!

  6. I love the teabag comment and, yes, that is, indeed, funny after all that cutting, splitting, and stacking. :D The jar of nettle infused tea is lovely! Am sorry for the loss of your nephew and niece's son and am praying over the family. Blessings for the week ahead and Happy Valentine's Day! <3

  7. Luludou, we have a layer of snow, but the snowfall has stopped for now. Thank you.

  8. Rain, I ran out of homemade kahlua, so a bottle for a cold day is perfect. Thanks.

  9. Thank you Jodi, the sun is rising with beautiful colors again already. I can't wait to get my porch furniture back out.

  10. Rebecca, that teabag was very funny to have the same day of cutting wood. Thank you. Happy Valentine's Day to you too.

  11. I LOVE the irony of your tea bag after a weekend cutting up the wood in harsh conditions. I also LOVE your inspirational which also fits with your hard work. I hope the rest of your week was GREAT.


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