Sunday, February 11, 2018


I've made great strides in my goals of self-sufficient meals, even though I have to purchase real lard at this point.
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Breakfast the other day, happened to be one of those happy moments. 

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I pulled blanched garden kale from the freezer.

I pulled one garden garlic clove from my garlic storage.
I pulled one lonely last bag of frozen garden bell peppers (ecstatic I found it).
I pulled dehydrated bella mushrooms (organic), and re-hydrated them.
I pulled two small garden sweet potatoes from my bin.
I pulled frozen chives from the freezer.
I whisked eggs from my layers.

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I normally would say I grew the onion too, but last year we did not.  I am purchasing organic, until the garden is planted this spring.

Gardening goals met.  More to go. More to change and revise.

This long, cold winter has me analyzing my time more than ever.  I'm in the process of changing my mornings, but my posts will still be posted. 

Time spent at the "Procrastination Station" will be better managed.

By the way, this was an amazing breakfast with no recipe.
I'm so glad I dehydrated organic mushrooms.  



  1. I find myself using a lot of mushrooms in our morning egg dishes. They seem to give "substance" to eggs along with good flavor and nutrition. Isn't having frozen chives in the freezer wonderful? I find mine can hardly be differentiated from fresh ones . . . which, of course, we don't have all winter long. I have lots of green pepper chunks left in the freezer. Wish I could send you some of them!

  2. Mama Pea, I do miss my green peppers. And you are right about the mushrooms. That breakfast was delicious.


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