Monday, January 8, 2018

Happy Homemaker Monday

I'm joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay-at-home Mom today.  Traffic outside is moving like a turtle today.  Oye.  Only in our state can weather go from negative temperatures, to snow , and now rain within 24 hours.  No wonder so many people are getting sick.  Not us....we are outside often to get wood, and tend to animals, and we do not keep our heat at high temperatures either.

Anyway, let's get started with today's business, shall we?

On the breakfast plate. . .

Homemade yogurt, homemade granola and pure, local maple syrup.  

The weather. . .

It's strange, but typical for our neck of the woods.  It was in the negatives, now it's raining.  It may get up to the 50's by Thursday this week.

Right now I am . . . 

Making a frittata so Hubby has a on-the-go quick breakfast tomorrow.

Thinking. . . 
. . . of my grocery list I need to text Hubby.  It's short. Very short.

On my reading pile . . .
I've managed to flip through most of these library books, and found one that I very much would love to buy.  Sigh.  Like I need another book....but the return bag is filling up.  Not one of these books are fiction.  They are either how-to's with herbs/tinctures/teas, crafts, or cookbooks.

On my TV. . .
We dropped Netflix.  We are watching movies on Amazon Prime or free ones from the library.  I tend to do handiwork anyway.

My favorite blot post this week . . . 

I found another blog that is similar to these "homemaker" posts, found at:

On the menu this week . . .
-grilled cheese and chutney sandwiches, pumpkin soup with fresh basil
-hamburger gravy, fried potatoes, biscuits and a veggie
-red lentil soup
-breakfast for dinner - pancakes, sausage, potatoes, juice
. . .still working on it

On my to-do list. . .

- crack walnuts, we cracked them for an  hour on Sunday, and have an entire bag to crack yet.
-clean master bathroom
-tend the chickens
-water plants
-Dust, oh boy, dust
-wash bedding, but this may be pushed to a better weather day
-boil eggs
-bake bread
-make a tea infusion
-try a new recipe if possible, a new tincture and a new balm

What I am sewing, crocheting, knitting, creating. . .
I'm still working on a crocheted scarf for my oldest daughter.  I've had a few orders to fill, so those are being finished too.

Looking forward to this week. . .
A possible motorcycle ride (giggling).

Looking around the house  .  . .
Wow!  It looks so clean and organized!  The deconstruction of Christmas decor was completed on Sunday, and everything looks clean and rooms seem larger, ha ha!  I can now replace my reading chair, if I can find one at a reasonable price.

From the camera . . .
Until next year.  

On the prayer list . . .
Myself, saying thanks, my family, kids, friends with special requests.

Bible verse, devotionals, quote. . .
Image result for bible verse about positivity


  1. I will go see the link to the new blog you are talking about. Loved reading you - have a great week

  2. I love your blog!
    What kind of chutney do you put on your sandwiches?
    Have a great day!

  3. Joanna, in 2016 we had a 500 plus pound year for our tomatoes. They never seemed to want to end their season, so I canned green tomato chutney, and we love it.

  4. I really enjoy your Monday posts and I love the Simple Woman blog too. I think I may try her format on the first day of each month. Have a great day and I can't wait for the warmup too.

  5. Your weather sounds like our weather: if you don't like it, just wait 5 minutes! Ha. We have both Netflix and Amazon Prime as well. I think I'd be happier with just Amazon Prime if they had a better search/available shows function, Netflix wins that one for me. Glad you are staying healthy, so much sickness around apparently. Hope you have a wonderful week!

  6. Jean, you are right about Amazon Prime's search engine. Makes it hard to find a movie or show to watch.

  7. The yogurt looks yummy! And I love the snowman pic at the end!! Have a great week!!


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