Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Breakfast ~ Weather ~ Elf Ornament

Frittatas continue to be Hubby's on-the-go breakfast meals.  This one is rather hot.  I added more jalapenos to it, and less potato, and more zucchini.  Loads of dandelion greens too.

The chickens are getting stir crazy, so today they get to free range.  It's warmed up to 30° this morning.  Yesterday it was a wonky snow, rain, snow, rain kind of day.  I tried shoveling off the wet mess, so I wouldn't slip this morning.

The ladies have been laying fairly well, so I squirreled away some eggs and boiled 2 dozen of them.  Yum.

Thank you to whoever mentioned this book.  The pattern for the elf ornament is similar to the one I made.  It's not the same book, but I added this information to my scrap blog post too.  Now others can get the pattern.  January and February are the best months for me to make Christmas gifts/ornaments.  It's my slow down time of season.


  1. I may have to make a frittata as yours always look so good! Your hens are laying great for this time of year! Lucky you!

  2. Sam I Am, it helps that we only have 2 kids living at home too. Less to prepare, means more eggs to stash too.

  3. The frittata looks amazing. I also like the look of the book, great for the Grandkids.

  4. Thanks mamasmercantile, I have another blog I write with scrap type crafting, and I have my elf ornament over there. If you go here: https://scrapreusedandrecycledartprojects.blogspot.com/2012/12/elf-clothespin-ornament.html you will see it if you search for " wooden clothespins"

  5. Thank you for reminding me to make more frittatas!!! :)

  6. Rain, they are an easy and healthy breakfast that Hubby can reheat at work.


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