Tuesday, December 19, 2017


I find myself hanging around at the computer a little longer in the mornings, as winter rolls along.  That's okay too.  Winter is my time to relax a bit more, but I have neglected some housework too.

I delivered the last scarf order to the big city, but need to go back to collect the cash.  Now, I am working on another order that my youngest daughter got me. Photos to follow soon.

Hubby, as he walked in the house:

"Hun!  The library wants to know if you are sick?"




"Yeah, there is only one book in for you and it's normal."

Ha ha ha ha ha!  True!

Not sure if I'll get to read it before it's due back.  Like all the other books I've borrowed, ha ha!  Photo to follow soon.

I finished up a few more Christmas goodies, including a new recipe:

Macadamia Peanut Brittle.  It tastes like caramel corn, but very good.  This recipe is a stove top recipe, and the mixture is then poured onto the pan to cool.


  1. Something I have never made before, I would love it if you shared the recipe for the peanut brittle.

  2. Your house must smell heavenly all the time! I bet that brittle is good. My paternal grandmother used to make peanut brittle that was just wonderful. Even with her recipe, no one has been able to duplicate it.

  3. mamasmercantile, I get the recipe up soon.

  4. Susan, it's been fun baking this year. I hope to try a few more new recipes yet.


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