Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Beautiful Day ~ Harley Davidson Scarf

I woke up yesterday thinking, "hm, a good day to clean the coop, or maybe the next?"

I checked the weather. Oh boy.  Our temps will plummet to the single digits at Christmas, and Tuesday was the warmest (high of 48°F).

So...I skipped on out to the barn and mucked the coop, giving those lovely egg layers clean straw and warm beds. I needed the vitamin D and fresh air anyway, and a break from the kitchen. 

I had a sink full of dishes anyway.  I then decided to spend about two hours digging out photos for our youngest daughter.  She had her party, but her sweet 16 birthday is approaching.

I also took advantage of the day and put the laundry on the line.  The wind dried it very quickly too.

Here is the book I borrowed from the library.  I have no idea if I'll get time to read it.  I'm still crocheting two scarf orders, but not complaining either.  It intrigued me, as my other blog (store) is called "Rooster's Crow Farm."  It's where I post my items I hand create and offer for sale (you can visit it here).  It's my slow start to a possible Etsy store.  We'll see how business goes (again).

I can always check it out again later, when the scarves are all done.

Speaking of scarves, I created one for myself (like I need another one), when I should be making myself a hat. It's a Harley Davidson scarf.  If I can find matching yarn (I used every bit from my stash), I will be making these to sell too.

I better get busy making King's doggie scarf too.  If the temperature really does drop, he'll need it.  The last time it was down in the teens, (not kidding) he tried to do his business on his back feet with his front feet in the air.  Next thing you know, we'll be buying both dogs booties.  Jesse has a pair and they come in handy on very cold days.  The cold, icy ground is no fun for the dogs.  One year we shoveled an area for them.

I think we have reached a record on how tall we can stack dirty dishes.  We were plum lazy last night, and taking it slow.  Even Youngest was home early and we had a nice visit before Hubby got home.  She played with water color paints (my kids are extremely good artists), and I crocheted a Slytherin scarf.  I'm about 80% done with that order.


  1. I love to see your socks on the line - so festive! I used to leave my dishes overnight because I was just to tuckered out to deal with them before bed. I now force myself because I am so much happier in the morning with not seeing a pile of dishes to be done first thing! Of course, I generate a whole lot less dishes than a family of 4(?) Your scarves are going to make a lot of people happy this Christmas.

  2. Once again, I just LOVE those Christmas socks!!! :)) I can't get enough of them, I have to find my courage and start knitting socks...I just don't understand the instructions, it's probably my fading attention span lol...I found a good tutorial video though, so that's one of my goals in 2018. I'd love to knit some nice Christmas socks too! I am a fan of John Grisham and I need to catch up on his books. I used to read them over and over...I love how he writes.

  3. The festive socks made me smile, I am surprised they haven't frozen to the line. Love the scarf.

  4. It all looks so wonderful. So happy you're getting so much done.
    Prayers for all to have a great week, and a safe one too.
    God bless.

  5. RB, I pray you have a safe and happy week too.

  6. Susan, ha ha! My husband thinks my blog should be called "not right in the head" ha ha ha! I love my Christmas socks.

  7. Rain, I have had knitting socks on my to do list for several years. It's my goal this winter. Hoping anyway. I do love my Christmas socks too.

  8. mamasmercantile, so glad I could give you all a smile with this post.

  9. LOve your scarves and I hope you sell a bunch! I like the scarves for the dogs too.


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