Friday, December 1, 2017

Preparing and Packing

The rain stopped late afternoon yesterday, and we had beautiful sunshine the remainder of the day.  Too bad it gets dark so quickly.  My hens were happy anyway.

Time for me to prepare for the craft show is coming to and end.  I was pretty successful at finishing a scarf, one last boot cuff, both of which need ends sewed in today.  

I sewed in ends to several bracelets, and sewed on buttons. I only have two 8 inch bracelets, so if time allows, I will crochet just one more.

I also (gulp) crocheted up 6 angel ornaments.  Five will be given away for free to the first 5 customers who make a minimum $15.00 purchase with me. I haven't decided if I want to spend extra time and add hangers either.  Most likely will give them as they are, or take thread with me tomorrow.  Two will be added to the ornaments and hopefully sold.  

I had hopes to get a few more granny square key fobs made too.  People like to pick up small items too.  Not sure if it will happen, but I can always take it with me and put a few out as the day goes by tomorrow too.

Over the years of selling at the Farmer's Market, I had laminated price tags to tape to the table.  This year the prices of some items are going up, so I need new ones.  I have decided to simply cut index cards in half, write on them, and tape them to the table.   I just hope my hand written tags will look professional.  My laminated ones were printed out off the computer.  I don't have time (nor money) to do that this year.

Tomorrow is a big day around our area, for the last of any Christmas craft shows.  Huge ones are taking place in other nearby towns, so I hope some travel to ours too.  

As Hubby said last night, "life will return to normal after Saturday," ha ha ha!  I have been  crocheting every night.  Meals will return to normal too.


  1. You do such lovely work, I bet you sell out! Hope you have some fun, too - don't work too hard all the way through the market!

  2. Good luck with the craft show. I love to see what you have made. Gives me inspiration.

  3. Susan, thanks for the reminder. I went 4 hours today with an egg in my pocket. I put the rest in the basket and forgot as I zipped about my day.

  4. Thanks Vicki, if it goes well, we may reduce Farmer's Market and do a Christmas show once every year now. I guess we'll find out.

  5. Hope you had lots of sales yesterday. Preparing for the market and for craft shows is stressful. So much to do and honestly, I think time is going by faster. Sometimes I feel like I got more done when I worked away from home five days a week! You get so much done! Does life ever return to normal? Hope you have pictures of your table.

  6. Henny Penny, I posted a few photos today. It wasn't the best show, but I have 6 orders for scarves right now, ha ha! I best get busy and get my chores done, so I can crochet later.

  7. Your items are beautiful!!!
    You know many stores have pre-printed price tags, in their yard sale garage sale sections. I think I saw some either at Dollar Tree or Dollar General, not sure which, but they're the only stores I've been at lately. Some were pre-printed craft paper and some were stickers, and they weren't very expensive at all.
    I pray you do exceedingly well selling them.
    Prayers everyone has a great week, and a safe one too.
    Remember the Reason for the Season, and share love (instead of stress).
    God bless.


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