Monday, December 4, 2017

Barn Rubble ~ Tidbits

The crazy weekend has ended.   The weather warmed up again on Sunday, and we needed some R and R.  You bet, we took off on a motorcycle ride.  We needed coffee, so our ride was to the grocery store, ha ha!  We just took the long way home.

Hubby and I are back to cleaning up the barn rubble.  I am back to removing nails to prepare some siding for delivery (and put another dent in the clean up).

I told Hubby life would resume to normal after the craft show.  Well, it will be another week or two for me, ha ha!

Here are just a few photos from the Christmas craft show.  I totally forgot to take many, as I was crocheting the entire show.  I had some hand stitched cards, photo cards, facial scrubbies and cup cozies leftover from the Farmer's market, so the girls helped make price tags.

I also had pin cushions leftover, and one sold.  We had much more on our tables  - necklaces, keychains, all sorts of handicrafts.  

Here are some of the bottle cap charms I created 3 years ago.  I put them on necklaces and keychains.

I also had these granny squares made for keychains and necklace charms.

I also have some embroidered bottle cap necklaces to sell.  You can see a photo on my other blog here:  Bottle Cap Embroidered Necklace.

I sold one of the mug sets the very first minute we opened (the blue one).  I sold one wine cork (painted) necklace, and a few other items, but nothing to brag about.  It was a very long 9am-4pm day, in which we really didn't get a lot of customers.  I didn't sell one scarf either.  We made enough to cover cost of tables, and donated item, but it wasn't a best show.  Hubby wants me to find one more to do, but  guess what?

I completely finished the "Harry Potter" scarf for my youngest daughter's birthday.  She loves it.  While I was crocheting at the craft show, my "Vet Tech in training" daughter eye-spied it and wants one for Christmas.  So, with no customers, and a few hours left until the show ended I started another one.  

And.....because I was crocheting it, a customer placed an order for one (I don't even have a price yet, ha ha!).  Then...yes there is more, my cousin in CA, sent me a message that she too wants one.  As of this morning, I have 5 orders for the "Harry Potter" scarves, and one for Slytherin colors.  I will have to make a trip to the yarn store today or tomorrow.  I had no idea what "Slytherin" colors were either, so I had to look that up too.  

So, although the show wasn't that great of my time spent, I got orders for two scarves I'll be getting paid for soon.  I got one order just by my youngest wearing hers in a store.  The cashier ordered one for her sister. 

It will warm up even more today, but later this week we will be getting back below 20's at night.  Brr.  I'll try to squeeze in some outdoor time to get some more vitamin D today.  We are also cleaning house for someone's 16th birthday party soon.  My evenings will be busy with crochet work, ha ha!  I hope I can get enough yarn for all of them.


  1. Yes, Harry Potter is such big business. Good for you!! From what I can see your table looks charming. My daughter and I did a craft show two years ago and there were almost no customers - what a disappointment that was.

  2. When did you make all this stuff? Wow! You did awesome with your orders! I have always hoped I would have someone do that to me but it has never happened! LOL!
    I love the little mushrooms made out of wine cork...too cute! Really like the granny square key chain too. I hope you get more business from the scarves.
    BTW, did you see 5 Acres and a Dream is calling for writers for their self-sufficient ebook bundles. I immediately though of you! You would be perfect with all your herbal and organic knowledge and gardening and canning and so much more! Check it can take from your blog too. Let me know what you think.

  3. Wow~ You have been BUSY! Your craft presentation was so nice - it's a shame the fair had such a disappointing turnout, but it was good crochet time, at least!

  4. I was wondering how it went for you - thank you for sharing. Sales and markets can be very long days. We have found that even though some days the items sold aren't as hoped for, the connections made are worth much more - like your scarf sales.

    Love that goat card in the photo!

  5. Kristen, my very first one I did, was with only handmade ornaments. We sold practically nothing. I was so upset, but then tried it again years later with more options. Our biggest seller is the goat's milk soap, but we don't have access to goat's milk anywhere here. Our past goats were re-homed because the new owner had back surgery. We have no idea who has them now.

  6. Sam I am, I read that on her blog, but I am not sure I have anything worthy. I will think about it. Thanks.

  7. Susan, you are right about crochet time, ha ha!

  8. Debby, we sold a lot of goat's milk soap in the past, and it was always a good seller. The sad part of the recent show was that they had about 5-6 people with crocheted items for sale.

  9. That's great Kristina :) Referrals can lead to bigger sales, that's for sure! The scarf looks great. I really love those granny square key chains you made!

  10. Thanks Rain, we are still getting word-of-mouth orders. Yay!


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