Saturday, November 4, 2017

This and That

The noise I heard late into the night Thursday night was rain.  Wahhhh!  Okay, so I get more indoor time, but I'm gonna get fat.  Oye.  I find that now I'm writing more, my fitbit has less steps.  The bathroom scale scared me the other day.  Did I really gain a few?  Oh my land, call in the troops, I need to be vigilant and keep my joints moving. 

I found out I can freeze my pear butter I made.  I just didn't feel like dragging out the big ol' canner pot just yet.

I made a trip to the "big" city and hit 3 stores.  That didn't even include the farm feed store.  I spent $2 and picked up a scrub brush and rubber gloves.  The chicken watering unit needs a good scrubbing before winter.

I even forgot a few items.  However, I made it home just after noon, and got a loaf of bread rising.  While that was going on, and got other stuff done.

Made rose water.  Looks pretty, huh?

Made homemade pickling spice(online at Taste of Home) for a meat marinade.

I did some dishes. Laundry was done before I left the house.

Two kids are sick now.

As for the bad memory (and not writing items down on the list, which I stick to like glue), it gave us an excuse for a motorcycle ride.  

It was a cold one, be we laughed about it.
As for my writing time?  The only writing I got was this blog.  I will write double time today.  It's a cold 40°F morning, and there is no way I'm going out to do outdoor work just yet.  Writing in my thick bathrobe and wrist warmers on, with thick socks and slippers sounds about right.


  1. Hi Kristina :) Being in a thick robe with slippers ALWAYS sounds right to me lol! What are the benefits of the rose water besides the taste and fragrance? Oh, I've long since given up on the scale...I no longer grace it with my poundage lol...I really don't need to know! If my jeans get too tight then I do a little more cardio and that's how I manage things! Dog walking helps though, keeps me active every day.

    By the way, I checked out your cream cheese post, thanks for that. Just a few things...did you use Meso culture, because you wrote that this batch turned out better than the one you'd make with buttermilk. The recipe I followed used a buttermilk culture, but I have both on hand. Also I think it's interesting that she used half cream and half whole milk...I think just that in itself gives it a slightly sweeter taste. I used butter muslin and it took forever to drain...16 hours. That also could have added to the sour flavour I got. Her recipe says 7-10 hours, so maybe if I use cheese cloth it won't take so long to drain, do you remember how long yours took?

  2. Rain, I used what culture she recommended in the recipe. I bought it from a cheese making supply company. I'd have to look up the recipe to see what it's called. As for the rose water, we'll be using it in homemade facial cleanser. A new recipe we will be trying too. As for the cheese draining, I don't recall it taking a long time to drain. The whey can be saved and frozen for other uses too.

  3. I think it's natural to put on some weight in the Winter...a little extra to keep you warm! LOL! We had an early frost and I brought all the plants in and since then it's been in the high 60's 70's and humid....wouldn't ya know. But it's only a matter of time before it gets down there to freezing at night.


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