Sunday, November 5, 2017

Reubens ~ Homemade Grahams ~ Mullein Tincture

First thing yesterday morning, after warming up with a pot of hot organic coffee, I put corned beef into the crock pot.  Yum.  It smelled so good cooking all day.  Remember that homemade sauerkraut I fermented?  

Well, we enjoyed ruebens again.  Using that delicious loaf of homemade bread, the meat, sauerkraut, homemade thousand island dressing (made with my canned sweet pickle relish and canned ketchup) and swiss cheese.

I also made a batch of chocolate grahams - homemade of course.  Yum.

Started a new jar of mullein tincture.  Only this time I have to use dry herbs vs. fresh.  I am tickled I found it growing wild this year though.  It's just not enough. Unfortunately, this will take 6-8 weeks to sit before I strain it.  I don't use anything higher than 80 proof either.  Stronger is not always better.

To read about the uses and benefits of mullein, there are many herbal books at the library  (and you can google it online too). 

I recently borrowed this book to check it out (because there is not one complete herbal book printed just yet).   I don't always like to share a link anymore. The ads are terrible on some sites.

Hubby had to work Saturday, and it rained off and on, and continued to be cold.  The girls were both gone, despite neither feels completely better.  So, happy to be home alone, I got up to 6697 words out of this month's 50,000.  Not including the short story. 

Hubby texted he'd be rather late, so we would be skipping the wedding reception.  I guess a mechanic had to go to the hospital for stitches.  Anyway, it was getting dark early, so I put the hens in for the night (more on that later), took the dogs out one more time, and put on my cozy clothes, aka pajamas.  

I spent the night crocheting a handmade gift for one of the girls.  I just hope it turns out nice, that I can finish it, and that I can keep it a secret.  The kids may be getting all homemade gifts this year.

The budget crunched on us again.  

Another medical bill showed up.  And it's larger than the last one I shared.  Gulp.  I am calling insurance Monday morning to be sure the bill is correct.   

On a happier note.  I didn't let that bill stop me from enjoying my day.  I also put up Christmas tree #1 - the bathroom tree.  It's red, white and blue, ha ha!  Not on purpose.  One string of lights stopped working too.  I don't have the money to buy blue lights on white cords, nor a new tree skirt (as planned), so the old red lights went on, with my thrift store blue ball ornaments (obtained several years ago with an all blue Christmas in mind).  Sort of looks funny, but in the day, very pretty.  My "happy" part of my day.


  1. You go girl! I love corned beef and I love Reubens! I'm putting that on my menu since I never go out to eat I need to make them here. Homemade grahams are also something I've wanted to make from scratch...on 'the list' now too. Glad you got some crocheting time in and your tree looks really neat....nothing like being cozy in your jammies!

  2. Sam I Am, I went in search of a free pattern for the gift I'm crocheting, and was so frustrated with it. The one I wanted was listed on Ravelry, but she didn't have it in print form. The pattern was on YouTube. I didn't want to sit at the computer either. Oye. I just pulled some pattern books from my own shelf and hope the stitch I'm doing works out well.

  3. I like the idea of homemade graham crackers! I used store bought for our cheesecake on Halloween, but I'm sure homemade would have been much better, thanks for that suggestion! And Reubans...a big happy meal for us! We haven't had it in a while, but it's definitely a staple throughout the winter! Looks so good!

  4. Just realized...Americans call it corned beef, Canadians call it smoked meat. Same thing though I think!

  5. On my first visit to the US 4 years ago, my friend made Reubens for us all and I loved them. Have made them twice since but didn't use corned beef as not the same thing here. Never tried chocolate Graham Crackers. Sounds good.

  6. Oh my, your bread and Reuben sandwich look marvelous! And your graham crackers came out perfect! Mine always look pretty raggidy, LOL. Mullein is a plant I wish grew nearby. I have it in several of my herbal formulas. And so true about herb books! (Good excuse to get more books :)

  7. Rain, we don't have the sandwiches very often, as it's very difficult to find organic beef in that form. And when we do, it's sky high expensive. They are good though.

  8. Leigh, the edges of my crackers are terrible looking in the pan too. I used those for the pie crust I made. We still eat them though. Yes, so true about herbal books. You can't just have one, ha ha!

  9. Jean, if you click on my link, it takes you to my post to the recipe I use. It's free online, so I linked it. I've used it for several years. Also, if you make chocolate, the dough is a bit more dry, due to adding the cocoa, but rolls nicely between two pieces of parchment paper.

  10. You've been so busy. Sorry to hear about the big medical bill. Am convinced the insurance companies and politicians aren't going to be happy until they get every single solitary little red cent we have.
    About all I've been doing other than my little part-time job is rest, trying to heal up whatever is causing the pain in my back and shoulders.
    Went to the VA. They set me up for all kinds of xrays, tests and rehab. Not sure how they think I'll be able to do rehab with this pain, but am playing their game for as long as I can.
    Don't think we'll be putting up a tree this year. Am thinking it would turn out to be more of a cat toy than an enjoyment. LOL
    Prayers everyone has a great week, and a safe one too.
    God bless.

  11. RB, I am hoping the dogs leave the Christmas trees alone this year. Zuri tried stealing yarn from my lap the other day. I sure hope your shoulder heals up.


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