Friday, November 17, 2017

How to Make a Sore Throat Tea and Tidbits

I woke to a sore throat (a few days back), and found I was completely out of marshmallow root, so I threw together the following ingredients for a "sore throat" tea.  

I am simply sharing my experience with this tea.  Please keep in mind that all herbs/roots etc. may have side effects, and some may interfere with some medications.  There are many books and internet sites for you to research the benefits as well as the side effects.  Please research before trying anything.  I have a disclaimer on my blog (I am not a doctor).  I am sharing what worked for me.  Marshmallow root has been used for years for sore throats.  In the past, I have also made a tea with sage, peppermint, ginger, or mullein.

Sore Throat Tea

Boil 2 cup of water and 2 Tbsp. of licorice root, along with one cinnamon stick and some slices of peeled, fresh ginger root. Simmer for 3-4 minutes.

Turn off the heat, strain, and sip while it's hot.  I was amazed at the flavor, and was back to myself in one day.  It has a very sweet taste to it as well. I drank two cups of it in one day, but I'm assuming you'd not want more than 3 in a day maybe?  I'd have to do more research.  No sore throat the next day.  I kept in mind it could be from sinus drainage, so I also used my salt water spray.

However, the next day I had a slight cough and I felt laryngitis kicking in. I put mixed eucalyptus oil with some of my homemade vapo-rub and rubbed that on my chest - boom, cough gone.

Post is short today, but I'm sure I'll be cleaning, making breakfast or dinner  (or both) for the family anyway..  The "Boss" ordered me back to bed to rest today.  Even though I feel better, he's keeping an eye on me and heavier precautions. 

It's just hard to go back to bed, when he was up at midnight for work, back home by 3am, and than at 6am, was chatty.  Oh so chatty.  Yeah, I may take a nap later, but I'm up.  Fire needed stoked anyway. 

Last night moody "Grad" daughter had to work, so the pups were in bed with Hubby and myself.  We watched Hallmark movies and such, while I crocheted (and sipped a Hot Toddy).

Eventually the dogs sprawled out and were clear up to almost our pillows.  Oh they enjoyed their evening for sure.  Oh, and as for "Grad" daughter's attitude, she came home and cleaned the bathroom, did some Christmas decorating, and other cleaning.


  1. Thanks for sharing your herbal recipes. Served as a reminder that I need to stock up on the ingredients for teas and such. That is the one area in my prepping where I am not nearly as prepared as should be.

  2. This looks good! I have never made my own tea, just get the bags. It’s good to have a recipe instead!

  3. Sandi, after I started making medicinal teas, I don't buy it in the bags much. However, you can buy some medicinal herbs in bags such as nettle.

  4. The dogs are ADORABLE....they'll keep you warm on a cold night! Even make your legs fall asleep lol...Alex gets a type of tonsillitis each year, though last year we got lucky. Twice a day I make a fresh veggie juice, he sips chamomile tea and gets a shot of Echinacea, honey, lime juice and Angostura bitters. It takes about 3 weeks, but it always cures him. Hot toddy's are definitely a good helper, also buttered rums. :)

  5. It was probably the movie the dogs liked. Couldn't have been cuddling with the two of you on the bed. On the bed covered with what looks like a homemade quilt. Such hard lives they have to endure.

    Hope all your not-so-healthy symptoms are gone by morning.

  6. Thanks Rain, I think natural remedies take longer, but work better in the long run.

  7. Mama Pea, that is a handmade quilt. It was gifted to my Uncle and he gifted it to me. Zuri actually watches the TV. It is so stinkin funny too.


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