Saturday, November 18, 2017

A Peek at One Christmas Tree

I really need another tree for all the handmade ornaments I have. They are either made by me (80%), my grandmother, or my kids.  This one, I made.  I purchased a pattern from Etsy a few years back, and sold them at the Farmer's market.  They were well loved.  I should make some more if I have time.  Many of these ornaments have been shared on my blog before too.

Candy cane crocheted by my one Grandma.  She also crocheted us tree ornament stockings.  I haven't found mine yet in the box.

Only one of these were made (by me).  Our library closed, and we had to drive to the "big city" to another library.  I went home with a ton of Christmas books, and found the pattern to make this guy.  I have yet to find the same book (should have written it down).  I just love it.  Made from a wooden clothespin.

A drum, created from half of a toilet paper roll.  The drum sticks are toothpicks with tiny pom poms glued to them.  I made enough of these one year for an entire elementary class.

I loved participating in my kids Christmas parties when they were in elementary school.  Each year I tried to rotate the holiday's so each kid was spoiled with the Christmas one.  I would make an handmade ornament (with great detail), and wrap each one for each student.  Of course there were goodie bags and a homemade snack too.  Oh those were the good ol' days.  Some classes had up to 30 students too.

Those are the only ones I took photos of this year, but if I take more I'll share more.  Just for nostalgic reasons, I may drive up to the "big city" some day and check out the Christmas book selection.  I miss that.  I do miss making the ornaments too.

Each Christmas I'd make one for each family member.  When Mom downsized her tree, she gave away all of my ornaments.  Sort of made me sad.  So, I stopped doing it.  I also got the hint that another had enough.  Again, it depressed my Christmas spirit.  However, I now want to make more for the kids that have moved out, and will have a tree of their own (one already does).

Thanks for listening to my Christmas tree ornament ramble.  It brought back a lot of good memories.  I'll leave you with a photo of one of  six snowmen.  My Aunt gifted them to me before she passed away.  They now decorate the house, in various places, leaving smiles along the way.

It's a full blown rainy day here today.  I slept in until almost 9am.  It felt great too.  Breakfast was made yesterday, so I don't have to even do that today - blueberry, wholewheat pancakes, and sausage.  And coffee of course.  I'm feeling better, but guess who has the sniffles?  Hubby.  He is working to hard, so I hope he takes it easy today.   He has repair work to do on the truck, and we can split wood under the barn roof, but it's easy-does-it for him today.


  1. It was a year or so after my mom died that I realized all of her Christmas tree ornaments had "disappeared." My brother has no knowledge of what happened to them nor do I. I often think of the ones I remember from childhood and wish I had some of them today.

    Years ago when we had little to no money for gifts, I made everyone a set of felt tree ornaments . . . you know, a Santa's face, a decorated tree, a candy cane, etc. I think my brother's wife is the only one who still has and puts them on their tree every year. Time passes and things change, don't they.

  2. I LOVE decorating for Christmas but always get the tree the first week of December. Even for me earlier it a bit too much.

  3. Just wanted to check and see if you got the rolls recipe I emailed a few days ago. Your ornaments are cute. Love that candy cane.

  4. You make great ornaments! I used to spend more time on things like that but not anymore. Kids are too far away and don’t really care about such things. This year, i’m Making memory boxes for our three grands. I took three old cigar boxes and started decoupage(ing) old maps onto the outside and inside. I’ll add pieces of old dictionary pages, their names in scrabble tiles and whatever else strikes my fancy. I’ve collected a few bird feathers, rocks, chocolate coins, toy cars and change purse to put inside. I haven’t met a child yet who doesn’t like boxes. This may be it til they graduate, though! I would like to make them each a Christmas stocking. I did that for my own children so maybe...
    I’ve been looking over your old posts to ‘catch up’. You never stop moving!

  5. Debbie, I think I had a few old cigar boxes in my craft supplies. I remember when they were our box in our school desk to hold our glue, scissors, crayons etc. I bet the grands will love them.

  6. Mama Pea, thanks for sharing. I do have a few boxes of the store bought (now antique) ornaments that used to be my Mother's. I am afraid to put them on the tree with the dogs so energetic, but I still have them. I still have plans to make my older kids an ornament, but I need to restock my craft glue. It's been a while since I crafted.

  7. Louise, growing up we always had a real tree. We never decorated until it was purchased, which was late in December. I wish I could have a real one, and miss the smell of it too. But alas, we cannot - cats, dogs, etc. Jasper (cat) has already eaten the fake pine needles (sigh) and I hope he stops. I won't have bottom branches on it if he doesn't.

  8. Kristen, yes, thank you so much. Sorry for the delay.

  9. I recently came across a pinterest pic of that exact elf! I went back looking and found a kit listed but the page is down for maintenance. here is the link

    will keep checking to see if it comes back up. Might be worth checking out.

  10. Sue O, that's funny. I made mine from scratch, cutting the felt myself etc. I hope someday to find that book. It had more ideas in it.

  11. The ornaments are adorable. Handmade ones are the best.
    I'm thinking if someone didn't want your sweet ornaments, maybe make them and take them to an elderly home. I bet they'd get cherished there.
    Prayers everyone has a great week ahead, and a safe one too.
    God bless.

  12. Found the book that the owner of the website I found wrote in 2014. Unfortunately it is not really affordable especially used! WOW! it must be made of gold.

    50 Clothespin Ornaments by Jeffrey David Montayne

    Might be able to get from library with the name? I saw that elf in it.

  13. Sue O, thank you so much! I can order it through the interloan program. Woo hoo!


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