Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Tidbits ~ Barn Rubble Update

Monday madness didn't stop this gal from getting the list crossed off.  Even though I was dog-gone tired.  

Popcorn was all pulled.  I'm not thrilled with the harvest, but it's more than the year we only got 2-3 ears.  I'm happy, but sad to see so many small ears this year.  

I brought in 8 more pie pumpkins.  Had I thought in advance, I would have kept the white one for target practice.  I tossed it.  It was the heirloom variety that went rotten before ripening, and I only got 3 of those pumpkins, out of 4 mounds of seeds planted.  It's not a good variety to plant, but my New England variety did well.  Grand total of pie pumpkins this year is 23.  

I brought in a bit more of the hot peppers too.  I'll be freezing most of them, and tossing a few in dinner.  I had some tomatoes too.  I have been very late in getting those dang plants pulled.

 The day of knocking this barn down.

And for that barn clean up update. . .

"In progress" photo from last weekend.  See all that roofing?  That one piece to the left was a huge pile, but Hubby and I worked it down to the last piece until help arrived.  There was a third pile off to the right of that next large pile.

We found a home for the longer pieces of wood.  A fellow co-worker took them, who makes furniture with old barn wood.  The shorter pieces went into a pile.

Next up, we are removing all the siding.  Quite possibly tonight.  With all the work over the weekend, it just didn't get done.

..back to the pile... 

That would be the smaller pile (but still huge if you were standing next to it).  I'll be removing all the nails and stacking them on the porch.  We now have a good supply of kindling. 

Off to the left (back of photo) we have beams that will be cut up for firewood as well.  The steel beams will go to scrap.

My future greenhouse area.  It used to house the goats way back in the day before we moved them to the other barn and built a large fence.  This has a concrete floor, and it's all set for doorways etc.  

Off to the left back - more beams not worthy of building something with.  More firewood.

The last pile of debris is not worthy of much.  This is the corner that collapsed a year or so ago.   Most likely I will be burned after removing the siding on the other side of it.

We've gotten a huge "dent" in the clean up, but have much more to do yet.  I had a huge calmness yesterday.  I typically stress over winter garden prep, wood splitting etc.  Now that we've gotten this far with the clean up, I feel less overwhelmed with everything right now.

Here is a photo of the hay rail piece I posted about.  I'm told each piece sells for $10.00 each.  However, finding someone who wants to buy it is an entirely other story.  I'll be keeping this one for recycling into something.  I sort of like the idea of creating something to keep the old barn alive in another way.


  1. Regine, I thought the bowl of veggies was so colorful I just had to take a photo of it. Thanks.

  2. I've been looking back through your barn posts - what a barn! It's amazing how people want something for nothing. We had a similar incident when we had someone come give us an estimate to remove the old buried heating oil tank (still full of home heating oil). They quoted us something like $2000 to remove the tank, so then Dan asked what they would give him for all the oil. Blank looks, nothing for the oil. So Dan said, forget it. They were so greedy for that oil that they called him twice after that to try and talk him into giving it to them. He asked what they would do with it. Sell it of course. Sheesh. Good job on doing this big project yourselves.

  3. Leigh, that is exactly what they are stopping for - to get it for free to sell it. Or scrap the metal.


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