Monday, October 2, 2017

Happy Homemaker Monday

I'm joining up with Sandra at blogspot, Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.  Today, on Happy Homemaker Monday, I am very happy to find out our frost date has moved to the end of October, not the beginning.  Whew!  I don't have to high-tail it out to the garden like I thought I would.  Although garden work is very far behind now (that we have spent two entire days on barn rubble removal).

On the breakfast plate. . . 

I wish I could say it was this (above).  We made breakfast burritos all last week.  Mmm, so good - black beans cooked up from dry beans with cumin, onion and garlic, topped with homemade sausage, farm fresh eggs, garden peppers, and a dabble of cheese.  Every day we made different ones. 

As for today's breakfast?  eggs over easy and toast with home canned peach jam

The weather. . . 

 Cooler at night, but some what warm in the day.  A nice day to get laundry out.

Right now I am . . .

 Getting this posted late due to catching up with garden work and indoor tasks.

Thinking. . . 
 I need to make a plan to get the entire garden pulled before the end of the month so that job can be checked off until spring.  I had plans to gift the habanero peppers to a fellow biker, but since we worked all weekend vs. took a ride, I plan to put them all in the freezer. I found out that habanero peppers have more anti-oxidents than jalapeno peppers.  I'll be getting them into the freezer for healthy winter meals.

On my reading pile . . .
 A few magazines, current books continue (no time to read really).

On my TV . . .
 not much, I'm too tired at the end of the day

On the menu this week. . .

 Today's lunch ~ tuna salad made with home canned yellow squash relish, leftover homemade potato salad, and a banana, homemade green tea with spearmint

 Red lentil burgers, salad
 Pinto beans for more meals
 . . .salmon, possibly PB & J depending on my work load

On my to-do list. . .in no particular order, and most likely my continued list for the entire week. . .
-pull more popcorn 
 pick pumpkins
-possible dig some carrots
-pick habanero peppers, slice and freeze them
-pull more old garden plants out 
-chickens, let them out to free range today, fill water etc.
-check on finances
-put jars in pantry 
-start pulling nails from a pile of barn wood, stacking on the porch
-get mail in the mail box 
-dinner prep
-copy down a recipe
-check library return dates
-fold last weeks towels (yikes)
-whatever else my brain remembers needs done

What I am sewing, crocheting, knitting or creating. . .
 Baby blanket

Looking around the house. . .
 I have more pie pumpkins sitting on the table.  I need to get them roasted soon.

From the camera. . .

 Sunrise this morning.

Bible verse, quote, devotional. . .
Image result for quote for being stress free


  1. Your breakfast burrito looks amazing! You have quite the to do list! Praying you can get it all done and enjoy something you love for fun! Hope you have a blessed week!

  2. What a gorgeous sunrise photo! You seem to be super busy over there. Hope you get a few minutes to relax this week and that it's a wonderful week for you.

  3. Ahhhh! I loved reading this post! Reminds me of the old days at the old place (I just did a series on this). Just the mention of chickens, gardening, and hanging your laundry out made my heart soar and, to be honest, almost made me cry. Thanks for sharing. I am looking forward to reading more of your posts.

  4. Shellie, I am zipping through my list, but my vacuum sweeper is now on the fritz. All the more reason to some day be completely carpet free. Sigh. Thanks for the compliment on the burrito. We love to get creative.

  5. Thanks Jean. I'm heading to the porch with a hot cup of tea.

  6. Rebecca Knox, so glad you are enjoying my blog. I try to hang laundry out as much as I can these days.

  7. Breakfast sounds delicious!! I'm just playing blog catch up.

  8. It is always a joy to visit and see how busy and creative your are. Those breakfast burritos look delicious.


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