Saturday, September 23, 2017

Holiday Menu Planning ~ Sweet Potato Pie

The "bug" to try new recipes, for the up coming holidays, has hit me again.  I needed to rotate out some pie crust crumbles anyway.

Thursday:  I had time to do something, and scrubbing the master bath toilet was not looking like the time filler for me. Although it does need done.

 Dinner prep was already done (salmon patties) and homemade sausage was already mixed and in the fridge.

It was too hot to go outside to work.  It was too hot and humid to sit on the porch with my feet up too.

(just out of the oven and cooling)

I have wanted to taste a sweet potato pie for years, and it was time.  

I didn't even use the recipe that started the whole want-to-try-it mojo.  Original recipe was in my stack of hoarded recipes (much smaller than ever before however) made 2 pies.  I didn't want 2.

You could say it was a "file to pile" recipe, in a sort of round about way.  I will bake another one, tweaking the recipe just a hair I think.

The results?  It's delicious!  A perfect pie for a "lighter" dessert.  It was on the "fluffy" side while still warm, but after putting it in the refrigerator, it thickened like pumpkin pie.

My picky vegetarian, who hates sweet potatoes, loved it!

Friday, more garlic got planted, bills were paid (and the new ones are now rolling in), and the very last of the beets were boiled and put into the freezer.  There wasn't much time left to beat the heat, so I worked indoors most of the afternoon.


  1. Oh, the pie looks delicious! I have a basket of sweet potatoes that need to be used. A sweet potato pie does sound good. Thank you!

  2. The sweet potatoe pie looks lovely. I might have to try it :D

  3. Henny Penny, I used a recipe from allrecipes online, but adjusted a few ingredients.

  4. Yarrow, I will try and get the ingredients posted soon.

  5. I can't remember if I have ever made or eaten sweet potato pie or not. I love sweet potatoes so I'm sure I would. Yours looks very good. I tis hot here too. I go out early ans water. I'm trying to work on finances every day doing something....organizing or budgeting or reading about can be my achilles tendon....that and cleaning! LOL!

  6. Sam I Am, finances and cleaning are those mundane and not so fun tasks we must do, but we do them right? The pie was delicious.


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