Friday, September 22, 2017

Good News! ~ Finished!

Good News:
Doctor gave me the thumbs up.  Spider bites should heal on their own.  No skin graphs or specialty doctors.  He was very impressed with my progress, and I even told him I did some dancing over the weekend (and no swelling).  It will be a few more weeks for healing, buying a semi truck load of gauze and roll gauze, but it will heal.  I will have a nasty scar, but I am very happy.  I really like my new doctor too. Once again, nurses came to see the updated larger bite, ha ha!  I'm like a hot topic there when I arrive.  Trust me, if you saw a photo of what it looked like when I first went to the second doctor, you'd be "sweatin' bullets" too.  He and I both were concerned.

Bad News:
The heat is drawing the spiders into the house and I have yet to spray inside.  As they crawl in to escape the heat, however, the outside spraying should keep them from living too long if they do get all the way in.  I had to swat at jumping spiders all yesterday afternoon.

Mediocre News:

Going to town put a halt on canning, gardening, weeding, deep get the picture.  I'm okay with that.  It got up to 90°F and I was not complaining about being indoors either, ha ha!

Although hot, I baked a pie.  More on that in a future post.

Large Project Finished :
 ...bedding and various linens, spare curtains, are all washed and in spider-proof bags.  

I found several cloth tablecloths in the drawers too, so my goal is to get the apple-fall colored one on the table (which means cleaning off the table - completely). 

I actually found items to donate to the thrift, and made more room in the storage drawers too.  What a good feeling that is.  However, I felt I needed to bag my rag balls that are also in a drawer, awaiting a rug making day.  A few years ago, I started moving crafting items in that room too. 

All done! 

On to the next project...


  1. When were you bitten by a spider? That is so scary. We have lots of spiders too. I've read back several posts, and remember your recent post about spider-proofing. Your Habanero-Apricot jelly sounds good. My sister sells jams and jellies at the farmer's market in Durham. One of her best sellers is Jalapeno-Peach. I love it with cream cheese. Oh, and the beets you pickled look delicious.

  2. Did you do a post about your spider bite? Do you know where you were when it bit you? So glad you are healing quickly!

  3. Congratulations! What a long, fraught journey! I am also very glad you finally found a doctor you are comfortable with. That's worth its weight in gold. Now, just be sure you don't go rocketing off and undo anything!

  4. Great news Kristina, I'm so glad you're on the mend...but those spiders coming inside is still worrisome.

  5. Thanks Henny Penny, I was bitten back in late July/early August? I can't remember. I'd have to look back at my medical bills, but it was a venomous spider, most likely a brown recluse.

  6. Kristen, thanks for visiting. I didn't post photos of the bites (one was pretty bad to look at). It's been 4-5 weeks since I started seeing the second doctor and was bitten before that. It will take a few more weeks or more to completely heal.

    1. Were you in your garden when you were bitten? I always thought the Recluse was hard to come by!

  7. Susan, I am very happy with the doctor. He makes me laugh and we put up with each other's attitudes about things, ha ha! I'm impressed so far, so I plan on this doctor being our new "family" doctor, and hope to find a holistic one as well. I won't go running off doing anything crazy now. Just getting that garden out will be some long days now.

  8. Rain, I had a large one (garden spider maybe) trying to get in the garage door. I took care of that very quickly.

  9. Such good news that your spider bites are going to heal naturally with no skin grafts or such necessary! I'd hate to kill every spider I saw, but if I had gone through what you have I think I'd be smashing every single one that came within ten feet of me!

  10. Mama Pea, I am so happy too. I did some indoor spraying the other day, and will continue to do that, to keep them all outside. The jumping spiders come in everywhere this time of year too.

  11. Thrilled to hear that you don't need extensive treatment, what a journey the bite has been.

  12. So glad to hear the good news about the spider bite. One friend got bit by a brown recluse years ago and had to have a chunk removed from his upper arm. It was a frightening time for them. Glad you're not facing the same.
    I love the look of flats hanging out on the line. I do that maybe 3x a week generally speaking. Though lately I've been having a problem doing it because of the pain in my shoulders, I have been getting it done, some with the help of Bro Tom, God bless him.
    Still in all, it's a blessing I've been able to continue to work at the store. Several times last week people told me they prefer me to others because I'm so cheery and always have a smile for them. That was so good to hear.
    Prayers everyone's having a great week, and a safe one too.
    God bless.

  13. mamasmercantile, it has been a strange happening here. We don't typically even see a venomous spider.

  14. RB, I was talking about the spiders with various people here, and we didn't have a hard winter. There are other people getting spider bites, and have not seen what type either (but needing antibiotics, doctor help as well. Glad you are making a difference with your customers. I too, prefer to be checked out by a smiling clerk. Glad you are getting help around the home too. I hope you feel better.

  15. Kristen, they are in dark places, typically in wood. I was sick, and had the kids pull sheets from a drawer (I never do this, I always remove, wash, hand dry and put bedding back on the bed). I crawled in, took, my nap, and when I woke up I felt a very painful spot on my leg. It hurt worse than a wasp bite, and I put plantain on it immediately, but it rained after that, and I didn't have any plantain poultices in my freezer,so a few days passed without plantain and it got very bad, very fast. My first doctor refused to diagnose it as a spider bite, so I found a new doctor, and may even report the last doctor. New doctor is helping it heal by itself. Also, I have talked to 4-5 people now that have been bitten by wold spiders in our area. I haven't seen too many in my house, but I set 16 spider traps just in case. A recluse is known for staying in dark areas and isn't much bigger than a penny, so it's not as noticeable as those huge wolf or garden spiders.

  16. Bro Tom's always been a help to me. We've been living together since he was 15. He's now 52. Time flies.
    Finally gave up with the shoulder pain and went to the VA hospital. They turned me upside down and inside out (LOL) and determined I have severe arthritis in the vertebrae of my neck, and as the bones there are breaking down, they're pinching nerves. Ouch!!!
    They gave me a muscle relaxer and one for inflammation. I'm suppose to check back with them in a week if I notice no improvement.
    Glad I finally gave up and went. I don't like doctors or hospitals much, especially VA hospitals - but the ones where I went were great.
    God bless.

  17. RB, I know what you mean about doctors. SO glad you are getting good help now. Praying you get better soon.


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