Thursday, August 17, 2017

Random Tidbits

          Grape tomatoes are starting to come in.  Beets are hopefully still holding out for me.  I'm glad everything else is not ready to can yet.  I am also glad it is going to rain today.  That gives me another day to not worry about the garden harvest, and gives me another day to rest up.

I can smell the thousands of Queen Anne's Lace from the pasture.  Good thing I really don't need more jelly.  Maybe next season.

Have my chickens started laying again? No.  Most are molting right now.

I ordered two books from the library.  Just two this time.

Listened to Grad Daughter's day at work (this is time consuming, and requires much coffee, lol!).

Office area tackled, although sort of loopy on drugs when I did it.  At a minimum.  Some bills sorted, some paid, a pile formed to file later. New office planner for bill paying has been purchased and ready to write in.

A few school supplies have been purchased.  School fees have been paid ($113.00).  School starts way too soon.  One kiddo left to send off.

A few houseplants have died due to me not even thinking to ask the kids to water them.  I'll re-plant later.  I love my house plants as well as the outdoor flowers.

Back brakes went out on my car.  Had to reschedule stuff and hope Hubby can replace them this weekend.

A small pile of roofing, barn wood etc went home with a neighbor.  Just a bit less we have to deal with.

I like to stay organized, but not so much I am discombobulated (which is possible).  I found some free printable sheets that I might start using to track the harvest of my garden.  I have been writing it in my "homesteading journal" but often forget.  So, my thoughts on this?  Will I forgot the printable sheets that list one veggie/fruit per sheet? Hm.  I'd need a binder, which I have.

I ended last evening with some crochet work.  Boy it felt great.  Last night Hubby and I watched "Peace, Love, and Misunderstanding."  Sort of a hippy movie, but we enjoyed it.  Meanwhile, my empty canning jars are taunting me.  Soon.  Soon. Soon. Soon.

There is talk lately.  To invest in a one of three types of handiwork for selling.  I'll let you know if I decide.  In the meantime, I will be spending time in my "writing room."  And I am excited about it too.


  1. Sounds as though things are getting (creeping?) back to normal at your house. Don't push too much too early!

  2. Mama Pea, I slept in to 10am. Hubby was very happy to hear that, but I was a bit feeling lazy, ha ha! I hope to figure out how to change the thread in my sewing machine this weekend.

  3. Enjoy your writing and your crochet! I'm happy to hear you are getting busy again. :)

  4. Glad to see you're on the mend. Take it easy now. Don't forget. k
    One of the best bill paying organizers I've ever used is a Smead cascading 6-pocket horizontal wall file that I have hung on a hook on my office space door. It looks like this:
    I paid $12 for it.
    I print a monthly calendar each month and put that in the bottom clear pocket. Then each colored pocket represents a week within the month, into which, I put the bills that will be due that week which I then pay the week before that week rolls around.
    Below this, I have a 3-drawer Sterlite plastic cabinet that looks like this:
    I paid about $18 for it without the casters which I didn't need.
    Once paid, I put the bills for the current month in the top drawer. The second drawer contains the bills paid for the past month, and the bottom drawer contains the bills for the month before that.
    When a month ends, I go through what's in the bottom drawer and toss what's no longer needed being sure to put warranties, etc., in a permanent file cabinet I have elsewhere. Then I move the second drawer down to the bottom drawer location, the top drawer to the second drawer location, and then put the now empty bottom drawer into the top drawer location and start all over again.
    It's amazing how well and how cheaply this has controlled the clutter on my desktop.
    God bless.

  5. RB, thank you for all those tips. I don't have wall hanging space by my computer and file cabinet, but those ideas are great.

  6. I've been wanting to get chickens so badly, but I am completely clueless how to even go about it. You'll have to tell me how to get started :)

    I hope you're feeling better after those spider bites, that's awful, I'm so sorry.

    Sounds like you're keeping yourself very busy :)

  7. Sandra, the size of coop you'll need depends on how many chickens you want to keep. I order my chicks early spring, and raise them indoors until they are older (using a heat lamp, starter feed and water). Once they get older I introduce them to the outdoors using a wire cage, so they can get grass, dirt, sun etc without being eaten by a hawk. Once acclimated, I introduce them to the other hens. There is a pecking order and once they learn who is boss, they get along. I have only had one rooster. I had two before and they started to fight. If you buy "straight run" you get any mix of sexes. Order pullets to ensure female layers. There are many books out there for raising hens. It's not difficult. Chickens can die of anything. I worm mine once a month, and some can get egg bound. I free range, so mine get dirt baths, grit and bugs. At night they get locked up really tight in a coop with roosts. We have fox, raccoon, weasels, skunk, and other night time predators. During the day I have hawks and eagles. I do not have a top net and so far, I have been able to get them inside during a sighting. I do not wash my eggs until I use them. I try to keep my roosts and coop clean too.

    As for the spider bites, it's a lesson to us all here in the country. As soon as the rain dries up, we are spraying the foundation of our home (inside and out) with a pet safe spray. I'm also getting some spider traps that someone suggested. Thanks!


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