Tuesday, August 15, 2017

New Bloom ~ Beans ~ Petrified Peaches ~Tidbits

As promised.  Here is a new bloom in my garden of "weedin." It's another gladiolas blooming, and it takes my eyes off the 6 foot thistle in the flower bed, ha ha!

Here is my bean snapper I had over last weekend.  That was bowl #1.  There was a bowl #2 after that.  Her older sister had to work, and Hubby was mowing.  It took us 1 1/2 hours to clean all those beans, ha ha!  I have them now in the freezer, and very thankful for the bean picking help, cleaning, and the help bagging after blanching.  Thankfully, there were no green peppers ready, and unfortunately, we let some blackberries accidently die on the plant.

The peach tree gave us about 20 peaches this year, but we lost all but 4.  Then we lost those.  Hubby put them on the window when I was not at my best, and forgot about them.

What's on the TV. . .
 Movies - Going in Style, The Last Word, The Choice, The Other Thrill

What is the weather like outside. . . 
 Sun is shining, motorcycles are passing, slight breeze.

Looking around the house. . .
...it looks like a storm came through, but the kids will be helping this week (other than sorting the mail, and bills).

My current project. . .
. . trying to finish up a dishcloth.   We could use the cash.

My to-do list. . .
(ha ha ha ha ha ha!)
I'll try to shorten it up for ya'
-start sorting mail
-call dentist for Youngest
-if eye is better, write
-floors need swept/mopped
-print homesteader's pricing product sheet
-call new doctor
-clean 200-some emails
-check library returns
-check chicken feed supply

I'm better every day, although the antibiotic makes me tired.  Yesterday was the last day.  However, the doctor ordered two more days of it.  I end up napping before bedtime, but I guess I need it.  The spider bites are healing too.  One quickly, one very slowly.  The cough is just about almost all healed (thankfully).  My eye infection is on the mend with just a bit of redness that should be gone very soon.  I asked the doctor yesterday, if he could switch my eye drops.  He said, "no" and to use visine.  I later found out that is not a good choice (eye doctor advice).

I walked out to see my hennies and Stud Muffin Sparta.  I tossed treats, talked sweet to them, and hope they lay again.  Youngest said, "if they lay for you I'm going to be mad."  Ha.  I told her they can sense when someone is taking care of them that has a bit of an attitude toward them (lack of love).  

I actually did some crocheting in the evening while resting and watching movies with the Hubs.  It felt so normal.  

Last night, my last few frozen stuffed garden bell peppers came in handy.  Hubby was on his way home from work, we had just finished freezing green beans, and I remembered we had them.  I am so thankful I took time to freeze them last year.  Hopefully, I can get some back into the freezer for this winter.  Hubby was very thankful for a dinner after a long day of work and picking up chicken feed for me.


  1. Glad to hear you are on the mend. This getting sick thing is just no fun at all, is it. Hope you continue to get better until you are at whatever passes for normal at your house. (At my house, normal is sort of up for grabs. :)

  2. Boy, your beans look wonderful! Even though it is sometimes a hassle getting them all prepped and preserved, it sure is nice in the dead of winter to eat your own, good produce. The extreme weather sure wasn't any help with my blueberry bushes - it was either too dry, then too cold and wet. They forecast seven straight days of dry weather. I woke up to rain beating on the roof. Sigh. Glad you're getting some help - and thanks for the reminder to be sure to double my supply of frozen stuffed peppers - they're the best!

  3. Please send your bean snapper my way. I have about 102 lbs. of them (slight exaggeration) to do this afternoon. (Very pretty gal you have there.)

    Glad to hear things continue to look up for you. Keep it up!

  4. Your bean snapper is adorable. :) And I love those gladiolas! Happy to hear you're slowly but surely feeling better!

  5. Susan, I froze a lot last fall, and we used every bit of them. I really hope I can get more back into the freezer. I have beets to tackle next.

  6. Mama Pea, we were surprised to get more beans, but so glad the freezer is filling up despite my blip in the plan.

  7. Rain, she doesn't always like to help, but she enjoying having a conversation with me for an hour or so. Now that she made dinner, and insisted on a veggie, she realizes the importance of our garden. I'm thankful for that too.


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