Wednesday, July 5, 2017

The Back Porch

 (Me and my more off than on again book)

Although we love our front porch, we do have a back porch.  More like a side porch.  The front faces east, while the other one faces south.  Sort of a boring post, but Hubby gave me a bloody nose this morning, so I'm hurtin'.
He lost is grip on the head board, and his head landed right on my nose (when we went to kiss me before leaving for work).  The results?  A headache and bloody nose.

Here is the "back" porch....

 Guest visitor, ha ha!

The umbrella must come down at night.  A good swift wind will rip it right up and over the roof.    

It's our other "hangout."  A welcome place for a get together, and a nice place to sit in the shade and breeze for part of the day.


  1. How nice you have the two porches! Different options for different parts of the day. And lots of seating for all who might want to congregate. We have just the south facing deck on our place. It gets sun for only about 2-3 hours a day (the woods on one side and a beautiful, big, twin birch tree on the other) so it's a nice place in the summer. If the bugs aren't biting!

    Bet your hubby felt awful about giving you the bloody nose this morning. And all in an effort to be sweet and loving!

  2. Mama Pea, having the front and back porch has been wonderful for summer/fall gatherings here. Yes, Hubby felt awful. He texted me after he went to work and said, "now you know what it really feels to be a boxer," ha ha ha! It still hurts.

  3. Oh my gosh you're worse than me! Every time I read a new post, you've hurt yourself again. Poor you, I hope it feels better soon. Your furniture is so nice!! I LOVE the porch swing. Mine tore last summer after a good decade + of use and I can't wait to get another one! Though it wouldn't fit on my tiny lop-sided porch, we'll wait to get one until we have our permanent home.

  4. Rain, Hubby went to work feeling awful, but the laughed and joked about it with co-workers, ha ha!

  5. Sorry to hear about your injury. Boy! That musta been some KISS. LOL
    Your back "porch" (we'd call it a patio down south) looks lovely, and shaded. We have a nice little side porch too, but it and the front porch which is little more than a covered concrete "stoop" are in full sun most of the day, and that's too brutal for nice sitting down south, so we have several sitting areas out under the trees.
    Prayers everyone's back from a safe holiday and is having a great week.
    God bless.

  6. your home always looks so inviting and comfortable!

  7. RB, that kiss gave us a story to share for many years to come, lol!


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