Thursday, July 6, 2017

Enjoying the Garden Goodies

Although the dogs love watermelon, you rarely see a cat who loves it just as much.

 Tiger loves it.  Jasper, not so much.

The peas are still rolling in.  I am planning on putting up a second pea fence next year.  We are getting enough for dinner, but not enough to freeze (shell peas included).  With four of us to feed, it's been a blessing for dinners, but zero shell peas are getting frozen so far this season.  We enjoyed buttered snap peas for dinner last night, and I made Pumpkin-Sage Macaroni.  

The macaroni dish uses fresh parsley and sage from my herb garden.  Mmmm!  Love this dish. 

What's going on in the garden?  Weeding.  Lots and lots of weeding.   Lots. Of. Weeding.


  1. Fresh peas sound so delicious! Also, the pumpkin sage macaroni! I have organic pureed pumpkin in the can and fresh sage.....hmmmm.....after my company leaves...maybe? Good for you on the weeding. We have had so much rain that I will have to hay not mow when the it finally dries out and I don't even want to talk about weeds! LOL!

  2. Hi Kristina :) Your sage looks almost blue! Everything looks so fresh, that watermelon...I bet our cat Leo would love it. He eats mostly everything a dog would eat. I'm just waiting on the prices to lower slightly before buying one!

  3. Many cats (and of course dogs) do love sweet things. That's why some chemicals are such a danger to them because many chemicals formulations like anti-freeze have sugar alcohol in them, and that attracts animals, sadly to a horrible death.
    Your eggs and herbs always make me so hungry for some good ones. Unfortunately, our herb garden didn't make it, again...and the eggs are store eggs which aren't nearly as good as fresh ones.
    Such is life. LOL
    Prayers everyone has a great weekend, and a safe one too.
    God bless.

  4. Sam I Am, I will try to post the recipe soon.

  5. Rain, I didn't plant any watermelon this year, so I will be buying it.

  6. Little Homestead, I try so hard to stay ahead of the weeds, but sometimes I get behind.


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