Thursday, June 8, 2017

Putting up and trying to maintain

Well, the part of the season where you bring in food and have to do something with it, has started.  It started early this year.  There was enough asparagus for breakfast, so that's what I did with it.

Eggs are in overload, so we'll be boiling some soon.  I'll have to put some aside for a few weeks.  Notice there are no green/blue eggs?  Can Araucanas egg color change?  If not, they are severally slacking.

Most of the herb garden is in full swing.  It's almost completely weeded now too.  I decided to whip up an asparagus/radish frittata with some green onions for breakfast.

The house is getting cleaned up.  Wine bottles stored for future wine making, bathroom trash emptied, kitchen office area spic and span, but my afternoon was zapped out of the day by taking a last minute trip to the "big city."

I finally took the cable box back.  While paying the bills, I realized I had not done that. Now that I finally have my car to my little own self, I got that job done.  Now we have better speed on the internet, and have reduced the bill.  We'll save $115/month by cutting our cable out.  The kids were the reason Hubby kept it, but we are all ready to use netflix, movies from the library, and get an antennae. The only problem, was they didn't give me a cable and I had to make a second trip back to town.  Dinner wasn't cooked, so it was grilled cheese.  I had enough time to clean up and retire for the night, but glad paperwork was done, and one more area of the house cleaned up.

The back patio was washed off, swept, and furniture tilted to dry out from the rain.  I still need the table umbrella out, and a few more pieces of furniture.  I need to clean off the boot stand at the door, sweep off the front porch, install a rain barrel, replace tracks on a kitchen drawer, move an old toilet to the "dump" pile in the barn (Hubby swears he'll get that job done before this weekend, but I know he won't)...and much more needs done.  The carrots need weeded, as well as the kale, green beans and popcorn, but I know at this point, I'll have to let some weeding wait until the party is over.  I still have the entire master bath to clean. Rugs to wash.  Utility room to tidy up....yeah...I'm a' gonna' be a bit scatter brained. 


  1. Ugh...the "big city" isn't fun EVER to have to go to! I think it's a great savings to give up the cable. You can get pretty much anything online if you are creative...ahem. :) Alex is creative, we know how to find stuff we want to watch! We are currently very much into the old Perry Mason tv show! Your radishes look great! I think I might have some to pick tonight!!!!!!! (I could type more exclamation marks, that's how excited I am!!!) :)

  2. Rain, the only thing I watched on cable was the cooking shows mostly. And those just got me into cooking new recipes, lol! I loved to watch "The Chew."

  3. If you get a Roku box (about $50-60 a one time purchase for one mine at Walmart several years ago)) you can watch You Tube on your T.V. plus lots of others, ABC, CBS...taped and lots of free movies and news and weather plus there are all kinds of food network episodes. I'm currently watching Pioneer Woman and Ina Garten on You Tube. I have no satellite anymore at all. I find plenty to watch for the amount of time I watch t.v. plus the podcasts. I do miss sports but there's Tune In for radio. You're doing great on the, not so much! LOL! It's been nice here and not humid yet so I'm focusing on the outdoors. Hang in there! The party will be over soon!

  4. Had rain all last weekend, wonderful quenching rain rather than storms. It was wonderful. But now the hot hot dry has settled in. Don't know when we'll have rain again. Yuck!!!
    Remember boiled eggs can be pickled and water-bath canned. They don't suggest doing it in a pressure cooker. Not sure why.
    Prayers everyone's having a great weekend, and a safe one too.
    God bless.

  5. RB, thank you for reminding me about pickled eggs. I totally forgot about that. We still lack rain, and greatly need it.

  6. Sam I Am, thank you for that tip. I'll have to let Hubby know about it.


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