Friday, June 9, 2017

Garlic Scapes 4 Ways ~ Freezing Radishes ~ More Party Prep ~ Scarecrow Biker

A large bowl of French Breakfast organic radishes are going into the freezer today.  Just wash, cut smaller, and blanch 2-3 minutes (toss into an ice bath) and freeze.  They will come in handy this winter for roasted vegetables and soups.

Warning.  This is long, and I am shocked I took the time to do it with all the work I need to do yet....I'm not even sure anyone has time to read my posts lately....but....

In the midst of weeding flower beds, mowing, getting porch furniture out, cleaning the house.......the garlic also needed tended.  The garlic scapes are cut off (but a few that haven't produced).

This is what the garlic scape(s) look like when you cut them (for those who don't grow garlic).  You cut these off, but I never waste them.  Some years I treated the goats to a few.  I used to only make pesto, but not this year.  That would actually make 5 ways to put these up. Here is what I have done and will finish up today:

1. Cut off white end slice 1/4 inch, blanch 30 seconds, ice bath and freeze.  Use as you would chives in any recipe.

2. Cut off white end, slice in 1 inch pieces, repeat at above, use in stir fry or saute in olive oil and enjoy.  You can also use these in winter soups and stews.

3. Cut into lengths and grill.  

4.Pickle them. See below.

In desperation, I found an easy fridge pickle recipe online.  Just stuff them in, add the heated brine, and add your lid.  Leave in fridge for 6 weeks before eating.  They will last 8 months.  I have never done this, so I am excited to try it.  

I did this while I boiled eggs for today's party prep.  I also tossed some lentils into the crock pot and made curried lentils, to go with the salmon that I forgot to thaw (sigh).  New recipe. And delicious.  If my brain remembers, I'll post the recipe after this party is over.

All but two flower beds were weeded, but some guests will just have to look at a few messy beds.  I can't do it all, and get the cooking and baking done, as well as the house cleaning.  Any garden grower will tell you this is "messy house" time of year, and am struggling to keep up with the garden at the same time.  Never again will I have a gathering here in June.  Any serious gardener will understand.

Remember Pearl?  She is a bit haggard, worn out and a loss for words.  Or a good chuckle?  Well, she was destined to the burn pile, but retrieved again due to the return of rabbits.  

And "Biker Sally" was born.  I was in a hurry, too cheap to make another trip to the thrift store, and used the same shirt.  We dolled her up with some new duds and even tattoos.  Hubby was part of that too, ha ha!  She's sporting new hair and a biker bandana.  Our graduates words were, "Oh my gosh my friends will see that!"  She's up, and that chore is done too. 

I have also placed glass bottles in various places.  It's my Grandma's garden trick I used for a few years.  

She said the rabbits will see their reflection, and run away.  I never had a rabbit problem in 9 years, so this will be the real test I guess.   I can't really get my electric fencing this year, so I'll be saying a prayer. 


Meanwhile two trees are growing in my other rose bed, and Hubby swears (for the 4th day) he'll take care of it tonight.   The rain that was in the forecast is lower, so I have to water everything today, on top of all the party prep.  Like I said, never again will I have a party here in June.  Maybe July or late June, but then you have cucumbers coming in and maybe green beans, and squash....and you get the point.  And not to make this a longer post, but I dislike it (putting it nicely) when someone tells me "just buy it."  Organic food in stores have been having recalls.  I watch the food poison journal and read it often.  I do have a trusted roadside stand I buy from (when I run low or don't have something), but I'd just rather grow it myself.

I better make another pot of coffee.  I'm going to need it.  I have a tea infusion to strain too.

I didn't forget about the hair tonic update.  I just want to get this party over with, relax, and grow new brain cells.


  1. I will have to try that refrigerator pickle recipe! I am always up to my elbows in scapes - my neighbor used to throw his out (!!!) but now I scoot over and take his, too. I love that scarecrow and am interested to hear if the glass bottle scare works on rabbits. There are more than ever around my garden this year. I hope you are able to enjoy the party -- and I sure as heck hope your daughter and friends appreciate the work that you're putting into it.

  2. Susan, here is the link to the recipe I used ( I don't throw any of my scapes out, ha! I am up to my elbows with work today and have to make a run to town again. I sure hope she appreciates all the work and cooking. The cake is being made by a family member (thankfully).

  3. I just started reading your blog a few months ago but rest assured, there is at least one person who reads every day. :)

    Please let us know if the bottles work on the rabbits. We've been fighting all kinds of critters in our garden for the past 4 years. We put up a fence in April and it hasn't even slowed the rabbits down. My peas as just as chewed up as last year.

  4. To be honest...I hate entertaining unless it's my family who pitches in and it is more like a fun 'gathering'....I stopped entertaining when people I tried to be friends with here would make snide comments and I decided I didn't need those kinds of friends. That is why I am a recluse to this day! LOL! We have better things to do, I agree! But when you have children you make all kinds of sacrifices....I just hope the graduate is pitching in! Love the scapes! Your scarecrow is gorgeous and I never knew that about the glass bottles.

  5. Mary, thank you for reading and hopefully you enjoy my blog most days. I know some are typically about the garden over summer. I will update you all on the bottles.

  6. Sam I Am, the younger two girls helped me with weeding the flower beds, cleaning the house, and getting the porches ready. My second oldest daughter even came early to the party, to help decorate with streamers and set up tables. One side of the family brought a dish, two others asked if they could bring anything, so it turned out pretty good. Now our graduate just needs a job.

  7. Our Dad didn't like garlic or sage, so we didn't grow or use either growing up. I think the rest of us always liked both, though I'm not sure, but Mom cooked mostly Dad's way so he'd eat cause he was the picky one of the family back then.
    Never thought of using the late growth (scapes) from onions or garlic, but I will now. LOL
    Praying everyone has a great week planned ahead, and a safe one too.
    Praying also for some rain here, cause it's hot hot hot, and dry.
    God bless.

  8. RB, there are a few more scapes that I have not developed, so I plan on grilling them or cooking them in olive oil. Have a great week too. We hope to get some rain.


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