Sunday, June 4, 2017

A "no kids" Vacation Week Ends

Hubby and I took off to the island for a few nights.  We were lucky to get the yurt for this trip - a no-kids-allowed vacation.  A time-for-ourselves, two days away vacation.  He took the entire week off for his vacation, and planned it all out for us.

View from our deck.  That is the beach down there.  Just a hop, skip and jump from our yurt. We have plans to go back and bring the kids. 

Then we literally got on the Harley when we returned, and joined a friends to ride over to see more "bike week" events.  We listened to Grand Funk Railroad (rode home vs. paying a fortune for a hotel over there, $400 for a room due to it being bike week) and got home about midnight, only to hop back on in the morning, and get in line for the bike parade (photo above).  However, that was taken early.  

There were miles and miles of bikes to the right of that that showed up just before kick stands went up.  We rode about 20-some miles to the downtown bike week events, and there were kids sitting along the highways and roads just waiting for candy.  Anyone with a rider on the bike would toss candy to the kids (I threw quite a bit).  It was fun, and what a hoot some on-lookers were.  There had to have been more than 3,000 bikes in the parade.   $10.00 per bike, and the charity was for the K9 police dog training.  

The asparagus was picked June 2nd (shocker), and I picked a few more this morning.  The radishes were picked this morning, and we'll be enjoying them at dinner.  Not sure, but I may have to replant green beans (sort of late to do this), but my daughter in charge of watering, didn't water them.  She sort of, kind of, walked all over them watering everything else.  I shrugged it off.  She watered everything else pretty good.  If we get no green beans, we get no green beans.

So today, we are very tired. 

It's back to cleaning up the house, and putting new brakes on my car.  My turn for repairs.

I have 5 days to clean my house, clean up the back patio and flower beds, and prep the food for a graduation party.  What was I thinking??  I should have rented a building, because I'll need to do some canning this week took.  It will be hot too.  I have no idea what to do for the vegetarians yet either.  I don't want to use my oven, but it looks like that will be much easier, while the crock pots will be heating up things like vegetarian baked beans, chicken dip and what not.  Homemade macaroni salad will be made ahead of time, along with overnight meatless lasagna.  Oh. What. Was. I. Thinking?!

I'm a' gonna' need some empowering tea infusions this week. I still have walnuts (don't laugh) to crack.  Those may end up put somewhere until this party is over with, ha ha!


  1. I'm right with you about the party prep. I did rent a building but still have lots to do and then to haul it there , set up and clean up. Ugh but it will happen one way or another. Good Luck!

  2. Lisa, I am going nuts trying to figure out how to get everything cleaned up. I am so busy in the garden, I have no time in the house. The kids are helping, but there is so much to do.

  3. You always throw such nice parties and lets face's all about the food and yours will be great! I hope the weather cooperates plus you have your porch! What about your tent/camper?

  4. Sam I Am, we have the camper pulled out of the barn, and covered. We plan to clean out part of that area and set up inside under the barn if needed.


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