Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Catching Up

I've boiled eggs a few times lately, and have more sitting in the fridge to boil after a few weeks.  As you can see, no green/blue eggs.  Hm.  One breed is slacking, but we are getting enough.

Bike week has been fun.  We went on our first poker run for a charity, and went to our first Bike Week event.  Last Saturday we put over 200 miles on the Harley.  We hooked up with different people and have taken short and long rides.  Unfortunately, while getting on the highway via the ramp, we rode right past a wrecker picking up a motorcycle off the side of the road.  I prayed he/she was still alive.  However, we also saw a bunch of riders goofing off on their bikes and that is how people die (riding at high rates of speed popping wheelies on their motorcycles).  Oye.  And of course there are the drunk riders hanging out in the beer tents.   

On the way back the other day, we stopped to stretch.  Other bikers did too, and Hubby now has his eye on the next motorcycle he wants to buy.  He better start saving now.  We still have two more kids to raise.

All in all, we have had lots of fun.  We watched one free  concert with the famous 78 year-old David Allan Coe.  We listened to blues another day.  We have plans to listen to another band, but if it rains like the forecast is calling for, we'll be skipping it.

As for the garden, the zucchini, yellow squash, cucumbers (two types), hot peppers (3 types), bell peppers, slicer tomatoes, another 54 heirloom paste tomato plants (which were very difficult to find this year), one grape tomato plant, and two types of pie pumpkins are all planted.  I just need to plant cabbage, pinto beans and whatever else I forgot.  I'd like to plant horseradish this year, but I'm late on that too. 

Speaking of horseradish....

I made Hubby one of his favorite sandwiches - reuben.  I used our homemade sauerkraut, and made homemade thousand island dressing.  I skipped the horseradish in the dressing but with some swiss cheese these were very good.  It was my first time eating (and making) one too.  I used my panini maker and some organic ancient grain bread.  Mmm.  And those chips are very expensive, organic BBQ chips.  Once in a great while we'll pick up a bag or two.

And speaking of radish, we tasted both types of radishes planted in the garden yesterday and they are very good this year.   The same I planted last year, but need to grow just a bit more.

The asparagus continues to supply us.  Surprisingly this late into the season too.

Hubby helped me put the chicken run back in, but guess who was out of the fence in a second?  Rita the Rebel.  

Two rabbits have been seen in the garden.  Twice.  A few warning shots have been made, but if they show back up, it'll be rabbit stew for dinner.


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