Saturday, May 6, 2017

Seeded Crackers with Dried Tomatoes ~ Library Loot ~ Random Tidbits

Last year we had a 500# plus tomato year.  It was pretty exciting.  I dehydrated grape tomatoes for cracker (or bread) purposes.

I finally, finally got around to making them.  I had a hard time finding buckwheat (organic).  The herbs, all but the basil in these came from the herb garden.

I dried them in the dehydrator, but they can be dried out in the oven for 4 hours too.  The dehydrator takes about 6 hours, then I had to turn them and run it 3-4 more hours.

The recipe is "Seeded Crackers with Dried Tomatoes" and it comes from the book, "The End of Heart Disease."  I would love to share the recipe, but the author would be after me.  These are delicate crackers, because they have no flour etc.  They dip nicely into yogurt dips or topped with cowboy candy or eaten as they are.  One kiddo took some to school for her lunch.

There are so many cracker recipes online, but not this one.  I had to borrow the book from the library.  I love the library.  I can find a little gem in so many books and cookbooks. 

I'm finally able to stop hoarding printed recipes.  I now simply look through the books to see if anything new catches my eye (using what we grow etc). 

I need to look through the Smoke and Spice cookbook one more time.  I think I may ask for it for Christmas, from Hubby.  

That moment.....

....when you have to message your husband (laughing), and ask him to stop at the library.  Again.  I have 5 more books in and I don't have my car back yet.  When he picked them up a few days ago, the librarian handed him about 4 books.  He looked at her and questioned, "are you sure that's all you have for her?" Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! 

I finally finished backing up my blog posts. Whew.  I was behind 2 years and I am all caught up.  I talk too much, boy were some of those posts looooong.  I am considering some of them for a book possibly, but for now they will simply held onto.  I have another printed "book" that needs edited and looked at.  I may need to ask for the assistance of my "editor" daughter.  I need to do this for myself.  I have wanted to do it for so many years and put it off for the kids, the family, etc.

Vet-Tech Daughter's car is done - $1550.00.  I'll get my own car back today.  YAY!!!!!

It's freezing cold here and my radishes are under water. Sigh. Praying the rain stops and we dry up before damage is done.

Hubby had to work on his birthday, but I made him some peanut butter cupcakes with a chocolate butter cream frosting. I also made him one of his favorite dinners - hamburger gravy over fried potatoes, and corn.  I have not made hamburger gravy since the kids were babies.  I have to admit, it was pretty good (with organic ingredients) and over fried (not mashed) potatoes.


  1. Happy Birthday to your husband and that was funny about the books! Never heard of hamburger gravy but the 'birthday dinner' sounded great!

  2. The tomatoes and crackers look delicious! And I really like that cookbook, Smoke and Spice! Hope your hubby had a happy birthday :)

  3. Sam I Am, my mother used to make hamburger gravy, but used canned soup from the store. My husband calls it a hillbilly dinner, ha ha! Yes, I do keep the library in business. Lol!

  4. Rain, my husband had such a great evening at home, that he is trying to "milk" his celebration to last all weekend. He asked for a second birthday dinner for tonight, ha ha!


  5. Hamburger gravy, AKA "SOS" is so good. I grew up eating it over boiled potatoes. Yum. My tribe all liked it. The military was famous for this, maybe still is.
    The crackers look good. Happy cooking. Keep your feet dry.

  6. Sounds wonderful. Hope the rain does stop for you soon. It's bad to lose FOOD.
    Cool here today. Got that bean soup in the crockpot, some clothes out on the line, got the rugs vacuumed and I'm going to be headed for a little nap soon. :)
    Prayers everyone's doing ok this weekend.
    God bless.


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