Sunday, May 7, 2017

Einkorn Hamburger Buns

I found this book through our library's inter-loan system.  I borrowed the book thinking it was all about just milling your own flour, but it was way more than that.

It's a cookbook with recipes for grains, legumes, nuts and seeds.

It contains a recipe for einkorn flour hamburger buns too.

The author has a blog, but the recipe is not on there.  The blog is Naturally Ella in case you are interested.  I found some goodies on there too. 

I made my first hamburger buns!   I didn't use the egg wash and sesame seeds, but may do that the next time for additional nutrition.   I was just focused on getting them to turn out nicely. 

I thawed an organic pork tenderloin, and made Rhubarb pulled pork in the crock pot.   Mmm.  And on homemade buns this time.  Recipe is in the book, "The New Slow Cooker Cookbook."  Those are oven rosemary roasted "fries" with home canned ketchup.  I would have made homemade Rhubarb BBQ sauce, but we didn't have any more rhubarb ready and zero in the freezer.

Two new "from pile to file" recipes.  I'm just thrilled the buns baked up nicely.  Oh, the recipe for the buns states to use einkorn flour, but not what type.  I emailed the author and she mills her own flour, saying the whole wheat would be best.

Oh my, I am soooooooooooo tired today.  Last night we had 2 proms for the younger two.  One had a ride, the other did not, who had a half hour ride to her date, and then needed picked up at midnight.  Oh my.  Hubby and I took a nap.  Literally, and set the alarm for 11:30pm.  We were up until 2am, because the other child arrived home from after prom with girl drama.  Oye.  Talk, talk, talk.....I'm too old for this ha ha ha ha!    He said to me "now I really know you love me" on the way over to pick her up.  He thought I would send him over to a city known for gang killings (and many people shot in bars etc.) all by himself?  Yeah, not  happening.

I have downed one cup of coffee, but need a ton more today.  We managed two motorcycle rides in yesterday's crazy-ness (along with two birthday party stops), so we both got therapy, but we'll need naps again today.  And I would like a day of "nothing" and a motorcycle ride. 

However, work called Hubby already, and he's on his way in.  He said, "don't worry Honey it should be a half hour job."  Right.  I am pretty sure I'll get my own nap while waiting. Which I greatly need anyway.

Enjoy your Sunday.   The sun is shining and it's all good here.


  1. Hi Kristina :) The buns look great! I have to take the plunge and try to make some. Oh gosh, what a busy night, I hope you get your nap in!

  2. Rain, I got my nap, but may need another one later ha ha!

  3. I grind all my einkorn flour, too, and we are really loving the baking I've done with it. I have usually made my hamburger buns, but not with einkorn flour so I'm so happy you steered me toward this recipe. The book is available only as an electronic resource in our library system, but I prevailed upon my daughter (the computer guru) and she downloaded (I could never have done it) a printed copy of the recipe for me. Now I'm eager to give the hamburger buns a try. Thanks again for the heads-up on them!

  4. Mama Pea, thank you for steering me to the flour. Glad you could get the recipe too.

  5. The buns look good. I use to make my own bread when I had my daycare. I haven't done it for years though. Might start again if I ever decide to REALLY retire. (I retired in 2008, stayed home for a year and missed people so much, I took a little part-time job at the grocery store in town).
    I'm sure there was prom drama, but it was probably exciting too. I remember our Dad saying (after spending a few tiring hours with grandchildren), "There's a reason why God gives children to young people." LOL Did you get any pictures?
    Prayers everyone's having a great week.
    God bless.


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