Monday, April 24, 2017

Pickled Asparagus ~ Sunday Clean Up

Asparagus is up, and I have wanted to try pickling some for several years.  We are getting more each year, so this year the new canning recipe is.....

...Pickled Asparagus. I'll be tasting it in a weekI used the recipe found in the above borrowed cookbook titles "Pickled." I have a ton of sticky notes marking many more to try.  

However, there is an error in the recipe.

The author, Kelly Carrolata, of this cookbook states:

to use 3 "wide-mouth pint" jars.  

She also indicates to cut asparagus in "6 inch" length pieces.

I should have caught this at the beginning, but pint jars will only fit about a 4 inch piece, and I had brine leftover.

If you get this book to make the recipe, buy 24 ounce, or 1 1/12 wide-mouth pint jars.   

I have never pickled asparagus, so I didn't water-bath these.  They went into the refrigerator  I'll let you know how they taste.  I used garlic from last year's garden in this recipe. 

Sunday morning started with a motorcycle ride to Urgent Care.  Yeah.  I need to purchase thieves oil now that I know more about.  Thank you Mama Pea.  I have a sinus infection. Evidently, the teas I'm drinking actually helped kill off a portion of the infection, so that's good to know (antibacterial properties).

Once we arrived back home, we changed clothes and boots and cleaned up the first tree in the last photo.  All the wood was moved to where we split, brush picked up.  Then we moved to tree #2 and started picking up that debris.  We worked until dinner time, and stopped.  We still have more to clean up, and we haven't even started to split it yet (I'm thrilled to get this much done this year).  Hubby took me back out for yet another ride, but I was pretty dang tired.  I slept like a rock. 

Say a prayer and send up good thoughts.  The doctor gave me two prescriptions.  After the last experience I am drinking lots of water, eating miso soup, my yogurt and any other good probiotic I can.  Work continues today.  Hubby is back to work, so the garden work is on me.  I hope I am up for it today.


  1. Kristina, I hope you get better soon. That's too bad you had to go to get medication. I hate taking meds...especially antibiotics which inevitably lead to a yeast infection EVERY TIME...I'm interested to know how your asparagus turns out! I'll be out in the yard today, I hope you can get out, but take it easy on yourself if you do decide to work!!!

  2. Rain, I am outside today. Just so much to get done.

  3. I know, even for me this time of year is the busiest and the most expensive! I hope you feel better soon!

  4. Sam I Am, you are right about expenses. Thank you!


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